The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Tina EggTurner joined those celebrities donating their time and talent to the benefit concert for the victims of Hick County. The benefit concert, aptly named Change for Chicks, will serve to bring attention to the growing chick trafficking problem around the world. ~Sheeple Magazine

The fabulous Ms. Turner will be singing at the Chicks for Change concert next week.
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Tina Turner joined those singers donating their time and talents to the benefit concert for the victims of Hick County. The benefit concert will be called Change for Chicks and will serve to bring attention to the growing chick trafficking problem around the world. ~Sheeple Magazine The fabulous Ms. Turner will be singing at the Chicks for Change concert next week.
Omg! Lol :)
Pictured below, Paul McCluckney speaks with TMZ reporters over a meal. He has confirmed that he will be joining Bowie, Gallus, Minogue, and Turner at the Chicks for Change concert.

A hen who was out to catch a mouse reports that she has spotted Mrs. Bagawk-bagawk running for the other side of the road. She immediately called 911 but by the time the officers arrived to the other side of the road, she was already gone. . . .
The National Eggquirer has dispatched a team of reporters to Hick County to pursue a lead on an angle that has been deliberately ignored by the mainscream media. It is a question that gets to the core of this conspiracy- Why did the chicken cross the road, and what did she know that prompted her to traverse that thoroughfare?
Tina Turner joined those celebrities donating their time and talent to the benefit concert for the victims of Hick County. The benefit concert, aptly named Change for Chicks, will serve to bring attention to the growing chick trafficking problem around the world. ~Sheeple Magazine

The fabulous Ms. Turner will be singing at the Chicks for Change concert next week.
That's so perfect.

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