The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Though Smiley Cyrus cannot howl a note, she has decided to come to the concert and dance awkwardly while sticking her tongue out even though she was not invited. This has caused some citizens of Hick County to stage a protest in light of the focus of the concert being on chicks as they feel Miley's performances are not suited for chick viewing...or any other viewing. ~Sheeple Magazine

Pictured here with another crazed star is Smiley Cyrus at the recent music awards.

Smiley Cyrus, shown above, doing her now signature move of letting her tongue be exposed to the world. The Canadian citizenry of the county are hotly protesting her appearing at the concert, stating the concert is for chicks and chick trafficking, while Smiley embodies everything bad that can happen when chicks are sold into the entertainment industry at a young age. She is a cautionary tail, to be sure.
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While combing the backwaters of the county, searchers uncovered the long rumored secret hideout of the Wyterock Gang, where they liberated a flock of trafficked chickens being held prisoner by Junior Lipnicky.

Many of those rescued had been presumed dead, and their families were overjoyed to learn of their survival. They poured out into the streets to celebrate.

In other news, Kiss is reportedly considering an appearance at the benefit concert.

Junior Lipnicky!!!!
Cher had offered her presence at the concert, Chicks for Change, where she intended to sing "I've Got You Babe" for all the chicks out there in the community who have been traumatized by the recent events....but her offer was turned down. Mr. Bowie stated he feels the chicks have suffered enough. ~Sheeple Magazine

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Cher had offered her presence at the concert, Chicks for Change, where she intended to sing "I've Got You Babe" for all the chicks out there in the community who have been traumatized by the recent events....but her offer was turned down as Mr. Bowie feels the chicks have suffered enough. ~Sheeple Magazine

Great one!
Citizens outside the town where Dave Leghorn was murdered are now organizing a party for fund raising reasons. Two towns are participating in the party so far, but the organizer of the town party, Jacob Beak, is hoping for more citizens to join in. He has also set up a website asking for donations to help with the inquiries on the Dave Leghorn case, and is now currently gathering volunteers that are willing to help with the advertising.

The donations from both the party & website will be used on the costs of funerals and the further investigations on the undergoing Dave Leghorn case.
Hen’s Herald
Dr Hoppington’s findings have finally been revealed – at least partially. She submitted an article to the Hen’s Herald for all our fans and readers out there.

“My findings within this extraordinary case have been most satisfactory. I discovered that Mrs Bagawk-bagawk is indeed involved in this case. I have not yet discovered her exact motives, but that is beside the point. This photograph was submitted and yes, it is Mrs Bagawk-bagawk. I believe this is the right time to disclose some of her sad, sad history.

Mrs Bagawk-bagawk, originally known as Janice Dot, hatched from a clutch incubated by a young hen named Mary Cana from Southern California. She and her brother were the only ones to survive as Mary Cana was frivolous and irresponsible in her ways and often neglected the eggs. Cana’s husband, Ryan Dot died of Marek’s disease in 1994. Shortly after this, Cana became depressed and left her only daughter to fend for herself. As Janice grew up, she became involved in an assassination plot against the local mayor, which unfortunately was successful. A warrant of arrest was placed and Janice changed her name to Mrs Dominique Bagawk-bagawk.

Mrs Bagawk-bagawk seen at the pharmacy, possibly taking dangerous drugs. She is believed to have acquired several prescriptions to treat her inability to become broody

Here we see her fleeing the reporters after she was spotted stashing stolen mealworms under her wings. The side effects of her drugs have resulted in untimely moulting

Candid shot of Mrs Bagawk-bagawk enjoying a meal at the Double Yolke Inn

She was also spotted outside the daycare centre handing out BOSS (Black Oil Sunflower Seeds) to chicks. Later it was discovered that the seeds contained coccidiosis germs.

Fast-forward 9 years later and we find that she has been left with her nieces after her brother disappeared under suspicious circumstances. Dominique’s life went downhill with the death of Miss Bea. K and led to the mysterious injury of her niece Shelley.

“This is only a small peek into the life of Mrs BG-BG and I hope it helps you understand her behaviour and part in this crime.”

Mrs Dominique Bagawk-bagawk managed to retrieve her passport, although it is unknown how she did it. She is now freely roaming the streets of our cities and towns. Please do not leave chicks unattended. Mrs Bagawk-bagawk is unpredictable. She is armed and dangerous. She can be identified by a locket around her neck which contains the beak of an unknown rooster, and a pink hooded jacket. She frequents the Double Yolke Inn. No more information is currently available.

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