The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

*WARNING! These pictures may not be suitable for baby chicks, if any are near, please shelter them under your wing!*

Officers have recently discovered the result of 25% of smuggled chicks, Most of the officers being astonished have not yet peeped about this horrific sighting until now.


This news has also resulted in a few complications when chicken owners want to pick up their chicks......

Beeaaawwwwwk! We don't wanna be deviled eggs!

Tragedy has also hit the ducks.

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Tensions are rising between the pro Wyterock supporters and families of the murdered.


There has been some collateral damage


Paramedchick Ester and her partner Medchick Leggy have been dispatched


All the injured have been treated or transported to the local hospital, all are expected to make a full recovery
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Hick County residents are particularly eggcited about the news that Dolly Carton will be making an appearance at the Chicks for Change benefit concert. As Hick County is her home county, they were hoping she would remember her kin and contribute to the charity. Well known for her philanthropic contributions to many chicken charities,it's only natural that she would give to one in her own coop town. Many remember her many chart topping songs like Coop of Many Colors, Little Tiny Tassel Crop, I Will Always Love Ewe, Backwoods Barred Rock, Wyandotte Come in Here Lookin' So Fat, Two Coops Down, Highlands in the Stream, and Crowlene. Welcome home, our favored pullet! ~Country Weekly

Police dogs were brought in from the capitol today to break up the local riots between the warring factions of the families of the accused murderers and the families of the victims. Officials are not sure how many will be charged in the incident and how this will effect those who are slated to stand as witnesses in the upcoming trial, as some were involved in the actual physical altercations.

Meanwhile, rampant looting of local coops has transpired as some take advantage of the confusion caused in these riots.

And others in the criminal element encircle the community looking for any way to capitalize on the distraction of the law enforcement in the area caused by the riots. Flocks are encouraged to cover their runs, lock their coops, stay indoors and call the National Livestock Guard if they spot any of these top predators. ~New Yolk Times
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All searches for Mrs. Bagawk-bagawk and Ms. Bacon-head have been canceled in Central New York! There has been a hawk sighting of an estimate of 5 birds, Do not try to attack them! All chickens who want to live are suggested to keep in the shadows and hideout until they pass. Repeat: There has been a hawk sighting, all chickens who want to live are suggested to keep in the shadows and hideout until they pass, the reason for this flocking is still unknown.

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In desperation.... I engage the help of a bearly able friend to assist in the search for the perpetrators of this heinous crime.......

I have even contacted those no longer with us to hear if they have any clues as to the truth of the demise of Dave Leghorn.... remember my name..... Phillipe de Gaulouise.... French Inspector clueless......

B*tch cat ( serpent killer ) also joins the hunt for the evil murderers....

Oops... having spoken to Keith Richards ( pictured here ) .. he says that he is on a stringent diet, and that is why he unavailable to appear in the impending concert for the victims and their families of Hicks.... he hopes you will all understand his/her dilemma....incognito is his/her stance.....
A flock of crows have currently arrived to aid the chickens, they are chasing away the hawks. But do not come out from your shelter! We still do not know the potential of the hawks or the reason there were so many, some may be hiding. Here are some pictures taken by Bree a (crow) reporter.


And a crow scores again.

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New images of Kim Dae-chu, Supreme Supervisor of the Coop of North Korea, making an international statement have recently circulated around the web. It is currently unknown what material he may be covering, but it is widely speculated he is speaking of his involvement in the Dave Leghorn case. Stay tuned as we receive more information on this speech.

The circulated image of Kim making a statement. It is believed he may have links to the Dave Leghorn case due to various suspicious phone calls to North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, including several more sets last night.

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