The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Caught Ya, Captain Steele!

An undercover reporter infiltrated HQ of the county wide chicken hunt, where Cpt. Steele is conducting his investigation into the many threads of this massive case. An opportunity to take a glance at Steele's craw phone revealed this telling photo on his cooppaper....which confirms the earlier report of his frisky exploits down at the Scratch-N-Go. One has to wonder if he found any clues helpful to the case....~National Egquirer

Justin Beaver was turned away from his offer to perform Baby at the benefit after a papparazzi saw him corrupting an underage pullet

WHERE did you find that??????
I was just thinking of adding Bieber to the concert list yesterday but couldn't find the right pic.....thank you!!! Priceless!!!!
It's perfect...even to the pic on the wall.
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This report just in!!! Down at the Redlight district off Scratch Avenue. Renown for it's dancing -- brooding on all hours of the night. Regular customer Roger NewHampton got into the establishments fermented mash a bit too deep --partying into the wee hours.

Feeling emboldened on his way home he stumbled over some copper coils: It seems he found Granny Moses' 'still outback in the woods and has been helping himself to the fermenting corn mash when he's not been dancing.

Enforcer, Hans "The Rock" Johnson down at the Coop on Scratch Avenue and reported employee of Frankie BOSS SilkPantees underworld....

Went Ahead and took Care of his Wayward and overzealous customer while his BOSS is serving time:

A Grim reminder of what you get when you steal from BOSS Silkpantees and his syndicate of Cronies.

Mr Newhampton has decided to go into hiding with the Federal Witness Protection program but not before he spoke of the harsh conditions the Dancing Girls need to endure at the hands of Hans "The Rock".

Rosie Rhode-Island confirmed the story. When production is low the girls need to take cover and stay out of Reach of Hans' enforcing ways.

"I see you up there girls. You can run. But you can't hide!"

They report him as stalking them while off duty. CREEPER!

When they do report for their shift he is lurking at the Pop-door. The girls are thinking of "Free-Ranging" on their own but they are not sure how long-reaching Boss Silkpantees' reach is even from the hoos-cow, ensuring his roostitution ring stays in tact, unfortunately.

This sort of attention brought on by the unruly customers down on Scratch Avenue and by a certain Mr. Silkpantee's employees is surely unwanted given the press of Dave Leghorn's demise and the missing keys....

>>>Duh, Duh, Duuuuhhhhh<<<
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Eggcellent play.....check Love this great addition to the story line!!!
The grim reminder is just puuuuuuuurrrrrrrfect for this story....

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It's fun, ain't it? It's sort of like crossword puzzles for chicken nuts...exercises the brain to keep track of all the different characters and story lines.
I love how people have tossed fun into the ring on this one, because this is just a big vat of pure silliness. And that's alright!

ETA: That coop is just darling, BTW! Cutest little thing!!!!
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