The Dave Leghorn Story~ A Murder Mystery of Epically Punny Proportions

Swayba K. Nagh, who prefers to be called by her professional name~ Yung Fili~ a dancer down at The Coop, says she's never had an ounce of trouble with "The Rock" and says he's a big ol' sweety in reality. Some question if Swayba understands the definition of reality.....

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Meanwhile the girls continue with their dancing...

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but wait, somewhere from the far far land of Cochland, the REAL Mrs. Bra Less has heard about the fiasco of her long lost cousin Tommy...

She arrived hastily barging in with no real care for others.

This photo of Bra Less just taken as she enters the police station

"HOW DARE YOU accuse my little cousin of such terrible doings! As a little roo, he was the sweetest of things~!"
Mrs. Bra Less proceeded to show the CSI photos of Tommy growing up.

"He was ALWAYS a Momma boy...from day one."

He did have some identiy issues growing up though...

"and he did drink a little too much at times"

"He never knew his little brother who was taken away to the nugget factory. That day his heart turned to stone.

"And he turned to cars, he loved his car Tommy did. Day and night, day and night... car car cars"

And he never told his Momma, never told her of the life of crime that he was stepping into

And of course, the hens, OH the HENS.... they were no help to Tommy, Only a hinderance.

"this is the only picture I have of little Tommy when he was a roo....."


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