The Designer Egg Chain Swap Chat Thread

Well another flop on my hatching for the above setting. 41%.
Maybe the next one will tun out better schuduled for the 15th of this month. 81 eggs set.
What's going on on the Designer Egg Chain Swap Thread?
No action for a while. Looks like something else needs to be offered.
Looks like we're having a little movement on the Designer Egg Chain Swap.

Does anyone out there know if the color in the cockerals tail feathers is what is called mauve?

Some of that color is on the bottom row of his wing feathers also.
I just found it and think it is a cool idea.

I just did a cross just because I had the roo and hen. I live in the city and do not have room to do any real projects. Just holding my breath that the roo does not rat me out. I am waiting for his Wheaten girls to mature so I can breed a few Wheaten Ameraucanas.
I think most of these swap chains are about dead. A lot of the old timers from here are gone and not much swapping going on. Even on the auction threads there's not much going on. But folks are still welcome to come here and chat about anything they want as long as it's clean and isn't against BYC rules.

May have to get the current one closed and reopen a new one.
Baked the chickens some muffins last night and just feed the muffins to them. They absolutely loved them.

I used pancake flour, 2 eggs, cinnamon, garlic powder, oats, and mixed in water, then baked them.
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