The Duck Thread

This is the original pond that we re-dug and just filled last night. It has a new second section to the right that the water will flow down into. I'm not sure what we're going to do to keep the ducks off the edges on it.

I'm hoping the boys will swim in one section and the girls in the other,LOL.. WISH WISH

RENEE!!! I love this!! Oh, now you have my mind working again....

They sleep here I put em up every night it's totally secure and they have lights inside and out and motion detection lights.And I am going to rig up two sump pumps to cause a whirlpool effect in the pond to get it moving a lil more. It's really green at the moment. It's fed from natural a springs and WAS clear as a bell before the babies. I seen a man's rig at the local bait shop and it's impressive. Filters moves and keeps muck moving. I got a total kit from The Pond Guy. They know their stuff. Ordered mine over the phone and it's helped so much.Its removed literally an inch or two in a couple months. that's the only pic I have of before the babies. This soon after. Then this soon after. When we got the kit it looked like this. They love playing in the bubbles. I moved them around periodically si that helps too. I left the pines on the bank and it gives more cover than I hoped. This is what my wife and I have been looking for and we are only beginning to get everything the way it needs to be. Still love every second of my full time job that this has become. Sorry for rambling but it's good to know, talk to and relate to so many of you out there that are as passionate about other lives as we are. And we got a pig... lol.


Thanks so much. I'm not sure about the duck house, but I do plan to incorporate the fenced area out into the water. I also need to look into filters, etc.

Here's my basic pond, a few months ago, with 2 of my drakes
(10 more need to be moved there soon!)

This was when we first started digging it a few years ago

And a pretty picture last fall
RENEE!!! I love this!! Oh, now you have my mind working again....

Thanks so much. I'm not sure about the duck house, but I do plan to incorporate the fenced area out into the water. I also need to look into filters, etc.

Here's my basic pond, a few months ago, with 2 of my drakes
(10 more need to be moved there soon!)

This was when we first started digging it a few years ago

And a pretty picture last fall
Beautiful, so jealous.
Thanks and the Crested Pekin Huey was holding under is Drake. Our two Rouens are both Drake's so Jeffri is the only duck. Jeffri on the left Donald Daffy and Luey. And i read here bout the mating of muskys with ducks and the babies being sterile. I only want healthy babies. Whether they can reproduce healthy babies or not us all I want to know.

Oh and Penny's not a Penny he's a Wilbur. Lol. Three name changes in 24 hours. But we are learning as we go. Whew...

Oh man you need some more girls asap. Poor Jefri may be bald once those boys go after her. All kidding aside Drakes need at least 2-4 ducks each the more the merrier especially for the girls. Less over breeding.
Oh man you need some more girls asap. Poor Jefri may be bald once those boys go after her. All kidding aside Drakes need at least 2-4 ducks each the more the merrier especially for the girls. Less over breeding.
Thank you so much I'm hoping my Apple yards yield several ducks and I hope I don't have to separate them.
I'm about put a divider in my Turken coop for our 5 peacocks. Family is growing.

Foot is looking great! His knee is not looking so great
It seems even more swollen and hot today. His lower leg does not seem to be swollen. Today would just be day 2 of the oxytetracycline. Anyone have swelling get worse before it gets better?? Makes some sense in my head.

posterior view of knee.
lateral view of knee.
Talked to a colleague today whose wife is a vet and he told me UGA animal hospital is the only clinic who sees avian patients. May need to give them a call tomorrow
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Say hello to our lil friends... Cindy Lou, Cedar and Lucky on our way home. Cindy went straight to Cedar for comfort. And she fell out after a stressful afternoon in her lil bed. I woke with her grunting in my ear this morning. Fell out on the floor next to her so she didn't sleep alone. She's a Pot Belly. She was the last one from about 10 they've had for about a week. Kelli grunted at her and she came up to the gate and we knew she belonged in our circle. Shes 8 weeks and so smart and OMG so loud to be so small. She's already using her litter box and Binkx,our deaf cat don't understand why there's more kitty litter for him. Nine of I our animals know exactly wat they are. They all interact every day and everybody loves well gets along with everyone else. Lucky is jealous as usual as o they a lil get extra love to let them know how much each and every one of our babies is shown as much attention as the others. Huey is our almost 12 week old Chocolate Muscovy. Hes getting so big but he's still my baby and he knows it. How big is he gonna get? And I will check the pump size and get back this morning. Thanks again.

Awwwh, I LOVE pot bellies
Thanks for sharing.

@KelBoMorrison Love all your pics and stories.

Huey will get probably close to 12-15 lbs when full grown. They are such awesome ducks.

X2 Muscovies are my favorite. It is amazing how much bigger the drakes get than the girls
RENEE!!! I love this!! Oh, now you have my mind working again....

Thanks so much. I'm not sure about the duck house, but I do plan to incorporate the fenced area out into the water. I also need to look into filters, etc.

Here's my basic pond, a few months ago, with 2 of my drakes
(10 more need to be moved there soon!)

This was when we first started digging it a few years ago

And a pretty picture last fall
Thank you. I love yours and all of the trees. Very nice! Do you know about how many gallons?

Foot is looking great! His knee is not looking so great
It seems even more swollen and hot today. His lower leg does not seem to be swollen. Today would just be day 2 of the oxytetracycline. Anyone have swelling get worse before it gets better?? Makes some sense in my head.

posterior view of knee.
lateral view of knee.
Talked to a colleague today whose wife is a vet and he told me UGA animal hospital is the only clinic who sees avian patients. May need to give them a call tomorrow
Foot does look great! Are you keeping him confined and off the knee as much as possible? How is he doing appetite wise and preening, etc?
Thanks and the Crested Pekin Huey was holding under is Drake. Our two Rouens are both Drake's so Jeffri is the only duck. Jeffri on the left Donald Daffy and Luey. And i read here bout the mating of muskys with ducks and the babies being sterile. I only want healthy babies. Whether they can reproduce healthy babies or not us all I want to know.

Oh and Penny's not a Penny he's a Wilbur. Lol. Three name changes in 24 hours. But we are learning as we go. Whew...

Ok, well I'm lost on the name changes, lol but your girl is way out numbered. If they are all of breeding age, I would separate her until you get more girls in for her safety.

THANK YOU so much for the pump information. I'm looking into it right now.

Oh man you need some more girls asap. Poor Jefri may be bald once those boys go after her. All kidding aside Drakes need at least 2-4 ducks each the more the merrier especially for the girls. Less over breeding.
Hi everyone, I have been wanting to add a few ducks to my flock of chickens but had a few questions. Does anyone know the best heat hardy ducks for the southwest? I was looking at cayguas, blue swedish, call ducks and khaki campbells. What is the ratio of males to females that you can keep together? Every website seems to have a different opinion. Will drakes fight with a rooster? And what is your opinion on the flavor of duck eggs? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for any help.

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