The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Cyn, is that upright freezer a Frigidaire? I think we were looking at the same one in Lowe's two days ago.

That pic of Tom and your BR babies is so precious. It looks like Hector is going to be another magnificent rooster.

Didn't you tell me that you use a Dremmel to blunt your rooster's spurs? It looks like we need to do that with Raylan and I was wondering what tip you use? My husband is home right now so I need to get all of the flock nail trimming done while I have someone to hold them.
Yes, it is a Frigidaire, Angela, 20.2 cu ft, if I recall. It looks humongous in the basement! It's about 6' tall.

Yes, we do us the Dremel. Just use the cutting wheel that looks sort of like sandpaper on its surface.
Yes, it is a Frigidaire, Angela, 20.2 cu ft, if I recall. It looks humongous in the basement! It's about 6' tall.

Yes, we do us the Dremel. Just use the cutting wheel that looks sort of like sandpaper on its surface.

Well, we are about to buy that very freezer ourselves, what a coincidence! We wish they made a freezerless refrigerator the same size to go with that big upright freezer. It would be so nice to them side by side.

I honestly have not used my Dremmel that much so I need to get out my accessory box and get to diggin'.
Hi Cyn! I havent posted much lately! We have been busy busy busy! My youth groupd went to Kentucky for a trip to the Creation Museum and Ark. This was my 3rd time at the museum but first time at the Ark since it just opened.

We also had our County Fair and my sister and I took Reserve and Grand Champion with our Buckeyes! My sister ended up taking OverAll Grand Champion. I even made a trip to state!!

Anyways your birds are looking amazing!! I really like Hector!



Well, we are about to buy that very freezer ourselves, what a coincidence! We wish they made a freezerless refrigerator the same size to go with that big upright freezer. It would be so nice to them side by side.

I honestly have not used my Dremmel that much so I need to get out my accessory box and get to diggin'.
That would be great, the full fridge. This freezer is pretty big and should hold about everything you'd need.

Hi Cyn! I havent posted much lately! We have been busy busy busy! My youth groupd went to Kentucky for a trip to the Creation Museum and Ark. This was my 3rd time at the museum but first time at the Ark since it just opened.

We also had our County Fair and my sister and I took Reserve and Grand Champion with our Buckeyes! My sister ended up taking OverAll Grand Champion. I even made a trip to state!!

Anyways your birds are looking amazing!! I really like Hector!

WOW! Congratulations, Isaiah! That's wonderful!
I have to tell you a story about Apollo. He has his short roost away from the main step roost so he can be out of the way of evil Tessa and Lizzie. They are the worst, with Tessa being positively demonic about stalking and attacking him and his sisters. He was sitting on the roost minding his own business when I saw Tessa start to launch herself at him from the top step of the main roost.

Apollo was ducking his head and making unsettled noises, about to run from that mean older sister of his when I intervened and lightly swatted Tessa's behind as she turned to run away from me. I also chastised her verbally (and complained to Atlas about his out of control woman) Then, I went over to Apollo and baby-talked him, asking if he was okay, said how mean Tessa was, that I'd protect him, etc. He sat down and scooted to the outer end of the short little 2x2 roost and put his head against my chest. He's a sweetheart. Apollo is still very skittish and hates to be caught and picked up, though he seems to appreciate being saved by his human Mom and Dad.
Just wait until he is old enough to give them the thumping they deserve.

I can't wait until they're running from him, that's for sure. But, it might be a double-edged sword. Atlas will notice him more.

Tessa bit DH twice tonight. Her personality is changing since I started occasionally putting her in with Rita's group so Atlas, Athena and Zara could get some peace in Atlas's pen. She may end up living elsewhere if she doesn't watch it.
she certainly doesn't sound like a very good candidate for a breeding pen addition.

She's been semi-broody again and I'm not sure how much of her behavior is related to that or if it's a combination of being snatched from her comfort zone and her broody mood. But, she was formerly a sweet hen. I hope that Apollo will "grow a pair" and start chasing her. He's 18 weeks old and still very babyish.

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