The Evolution of Atlas: A Breeding (and Chat) Thread

Isaiah, is there an advantage to breeding Simnental with Angus in particular? He's a looker, that one! I wish my sister would send me the picture of her or me or both of us on my grandfather's Angus bull. I'd love that for my old photos collection.

I had a memory of my granddaddy walking around the herd with a long stick of some sort. He was a fairly short man, always wore a long sleeved flannel shirt with denim overalls and a pith helmet and carried that long stick. He never called my by my full name, always said "Cynthy". Best memories were the farm.

It's just a good cross. It's the best of both worlds! ;) IMHO you don't get any better than Simmental. I love their look and they have more flesh to them than angus do.

He is a good looking boy, holm25. Beef cows sure have changed since I was a kid.

I have looked at pics of old cattle and they have changed! To me they are amazing and beautiful creation! Whoever says you can't buy happiness has never bought a cow! :lol: :p
I went to my lung specialist this morning. Not the air sac portion, but the pleural space in the wall of the lung is once again, aggressively filling with fluid. Both times before, they put a needle through my back to thread a catheter into the space, and drain fluid. No, I'm not asleep when they do this. Yes, it's about as fun as it sounds. This procedure gives me about 9 days, until it has to be done again. Both times they've run every test known to man, on the lung fluid, as well as every other fluid my body produces, with negative results. Actually, that's a good thing, since the real bad stuff seems to have been eliminated, such as there are no cancer cells of any type in any of the fluids, which doesn't mean I don't have cancer anywhere, just that it has not spread via any of my bodily fluids.

My lung specialist called a thoracic surgeon, and the surgeon saw me this evening, since time is a big factor. As soon as he gets the approval from the insurance company, the surgeon is going to cut a small incision in my rib cage, run a scope into the space, and examine it, possibly taking a tissue sample or two for the lab to biopsy, then he is going to put a bit of talc in the space. The talc will cause just enough damage that the inner, and outer wall of the space will try to heal, and fuse themselves together, so no more fluid can go in the space. I will be in the hospital anywhere from 2 days to a week, depending on how fast the space seals up.

When I heal from all of that, then I get to see my breast cancer surgeon to remove the lump, and have it biopsied.

Coming home from the surgeon's office, we were in rush hour traffic. Dh hates driving in traffic, and let me know about it. According to him, all the bad stuff happens to him. LOL!
Growing up, one of our neighbors raised a Brahma bull. We all bottle fed him. We all played with him with a soccer ball. He was like a big puppy. He grew, and grew, and one day he was tossing a huge tractor around like it was the soccer ball. He wasn't mean, but big,and strong. When the neighbor went on vacation, we took care of the bull. Either the neighbor, or my daughters petted, and brushed the bull daily. Since the neighbor was on vacation, the girls would pet, and brush him. One afternoon, the girls got busy doing something, and didn't go pay attention to the bull. Later on that day, we were sitting inside the house (it was a block home) and there was this bang, and a vibration through the house. The stupid bull had broken out of his pasture, and was banging his head on the side of the house to get someone's attention. The girls went out, fussed at him, led him back to his pasture by his halter, and gave him his attention, while my dad fixed the fence. They didn't forget to pay attention to him the rest of the time the neighbor was on vacation.
I went to my lung specialist this morning. Not the air sac portion, but the pleural space in the wall of the lung is once again, aggressively filling with fluid. Both times before, they put a needle through my back to thread a catheter into the space, and drain fluid. No, I'm not asleep when they do this. Yes, it's about as fun as it sounds. This procedure gives me about 9 days, until it has to be done again. Both times they've run every test known to man, on the lung fluid, as well as every other fluid my body produces, with negative results. Actually, that's a good thing, since the real bad stuff seems to have been eliminated, such as there are no cancer cells of any type in any of the fluids, which doesn't mean I don't have cancer anywhere, just that it has not spread via any of my bodily fluids.

My lung specialist called a thoracic surgeon, and the surgeon saw me this evening, since time is a big factor. As soon as he gets the approval from the insurance company, the surgeon is going to cut a small incision in my rib cage, run a scope into the space, and examine it, possibly taking a tissue sample or two for the lab to biopsy, then he is going to put a bit of talc in the space. The talc will cause just enough damage that the inner, and outer wall of the space will try to heal, and fuse themselves together, so no more fluid can go in the space. I will be in the hospital anywhere from 2 days to a week, depending on how fast the space seals up.

When I heal from all of that, then I get to see my breast cancer surgeon to remove the lump, and have it biopsied.

Coming home from the surgeon's office, we were in rush hour traffic. Dh hates driving in traffic, and let me know about it. According to him, all the bad stuff happens to him. LOL!
First of all,
and second, I'm betting your husband was cranky because he's stressed and scared. I hate traffic, too, but how dare they get in his way when he's worried about you, right? I know, they can be a PITA. Husbands and drivers.

Growing up, one of our neighbors raised a Brahma bull. We all bottle fed him. We all played with him with a soccer ball. He was like a big puppy. He grew, and grew, and one day he was tossing a huge tractor around like it was the soccer ball. He wasn't mean, but big,and strong. When the neighbor went on vacation, we took care of the bull. Either the neighbor, or my daughters petted, and brushed the bull daily. Since the neighbor was on vacation, the girls would pet, and brush him. One afternoon, the girls got busy doing something, and didn't go pay attention to the bull. Later on that day, we were sitting inside the house (it was a block home) and there was this bang, and a vibration through the house. The stupid bull had broken out of his pasture, and was banging his head on the side of the house to get someone's attention. The girls went out, fussed at him, led him back to his pasture by his halter, and gave him his attention, while my dad fixed the fence. They didn't forget to pay attention to him the rest of the time the neighbor was on vacation.
OMgosh, LOL! That's one giant needy puppy!
Getaclue you'll be in our prayers here :)

And that bull story is hilarious! What a big puppy he was!
Cheryl, I hope something breaks and gives you some real relief in this struggle. It's so hard and all-consuming.

Mary, this morning, I was raking up Hector's pen. He, of course, was on top of the nest box, getting his usual morning chest rubs and adoration from his human mom, when Thea, who I had just put back down after she insisted I pick her up and hug her, jumped onto my bent-over back. So, I stood slowly, forcing her to walk up to my shoulders to reach over and pull her over my head. Hector began dancing and looking pathetic, begging like a puppy, so I was holding Thea, who had snuggled under my chin, and rubbing Hector's chest while telling him what a good Hector he was. THIS is what that crazy cockerel has turned into, a big wussy baby, at least with DH and me. Insert the BIGGEST eye-roll here.
@getaclue I will keep you in my thoughts, I hope for the speediest and most positive outcome for all your procedures :)

Cows.... I love to watch them from a distance, but I am only 5 foot and about 90 pounds, so working with animals any larger than a sheep kind of freaks me out. I've always wanted to buy a mini Brahma or Zebu, just can't bring myself to have an animal that consumes so much when in the end it would only be a pet.

Things of been so busy here, I've only been looking and reading up and catching up on everyone else's lives… Been quite an eventful few weeks, somehow and someway all four of my piglets managed to escape ( in all actuality there's a 90% chance they were stolen, since the pan was in no way shape and or form compromised… But we cant make accusations without any proof, and being new to this community we really don't want to stir the pot, especially since pigs are notorious escape artists and could've actually gotten out).

In the world of chickens, our naked necks and cream legbars are growing voraciously. And the Sulmtalers and Turkeys should be laying/breeding anyyyyyy day now. It's all quite exciting… I want some more of the financials are in order I've been dying to try out my new incubator, it's just been sitting in the next room over plugged in and running just to make sure it keeps an even temperature.
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