The fish tank thread.

Oh seeing all those photos makes me miss my tank. I had to sell it when I moved to New York a few years ago. I had a 55 gallon with Bosemani rainbowfish, dwarf neon rainbowfish, and turquoise rainbowfish. Also had a beautiful gold nugget pleco. Thank you for sharing your photos.
This thread makes me miss my tanks. I started out fresh then went salt then moved and had to get rid of them. My fresh back when I had it.

Major algea bloom made for an awesome picture

All plants were live and had about 100 fish in there although you couldn't tell.

It takes real skill to have a good looking fresh water tank with live plants and real skill to keep a good looking salt water tank with live rock and fish.

I'm an avid fish keeper, couple of tropical tanks, but mostly love my goldfish, getting colder so I'm bringing the big ones in from my raised pond, I have 125 gallon tank for them, I also have a 75, 55, 2 29's, and a 20, took a few down over the years.

Any other goldfish enthusiasts, I will get pictures when I get them all in, some are pretty big, my oldest are 13 plus, that's how long I've had them, sure they are a bit older.

Just wanted to share.
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I'm an avid fish keeper, couple of tropical tanks, but mostly love my goldfish, getting colder so I'm bringing the big ones in from my raised pond, I have 125 gallon tank for them, I also have a 75, 55, 2 29's, and a 20, took a few down over the years.

Any other goldfish enthusiasts, I will get pictures when I get them all in, some are pretty big, my oldest are 13 plus, that's how long I've had them, sure they are a bit older.

Just wanted to share.

I have outside ponds and I have an abundance of goldfish. I also have bluegill, catfish, and koi.

They stay outside year round. The catfish are just about big enough to eat. I have over three hundred of them.

I don't have a count on the rest because they multiply so fast (the goldfish anyway) I can't count them.

I had one pond just for plants. I moved plants from another pond and ended up with another pond of goldfish.

I have a ten gallon tank with one Parrot fish.
One whole tank, funny, you are living my dream. I always wanted a big pond where I could go out on my canoe and see all my fish.
It's cull day here for DS's smaller angelfish grow out tank -- he ended up with three that were what he was looking for out of the last spawn, so they'll move to one of the 75s to finish growing out. Time to strip down and clean the spawn tank and start conditioning his next pairing.
DD had been dropping hints left and right about wanting to take a 75 to her new apartment, I helped her find a nice setup on CL in the city where she is at to "not have to mess with trying to get this one moved up there" (but really it was because I wasn't quite ready to part with having that tank, lol) - she'll be coming down in the next couple of weekends to pick up some fish to take back with her - that may become our next battle of wills, lol. On the upside, she has decided she wants to try her hand at rainbows and I happen to be bored with mine, so this gives me a way to move them out of my 125 and re-set it. Not sure which direction I'm going to go, but am thinking of picking a couple of good spawning projects that DS can co-opt for his 4-H project (and then *he* can do the tank maintenance on my tank too
Found some lovely blue-eyed albino bristlenose -- thinking I may *need* a few of those and the LFS that we sell too is quite keen to have us breed some for them. We need to get some fish going again because actually paying for food and supplies is getting old (during the peak of DD's fish project she took to nationals for FFA we always had enough store credit to cover anything we needed plus some cash in her pocket). Thinking of doing some rams in my tank, another one that I love *and* that there is a good demand for.
It's cull day here for DS's smaller angelfish grow out tank -- he ended up with three that were what he was looking for out of the last spawn, so they'll move to one of the 75s to finish growing out.   Time to strip down and clean the spawn tank and start conditioning his next pairing. 
DD had been dropping hints left and right about wanting to take a 75 to her new apartment, I helped her find a nice setup on CL in the city where she is at to "not have to mess with trying to get this one moved up there" (but really it was because I wasn't quite ready to part with having that tank, lol) - she'll be coming down in the next couple of weekends to pick up some fish to take back with her - that may become our next battle of wills, lol.  On the upside, she has decided she wants to try her hand at rainbows and I happen to be bored with mine, so this gives me a way to move them out of my 125 and re-set it.  Not sure which direction I'm going to go, but am thinking of picking a couple of good spawning projects that DS can co-opt for his 4-H project (and then *he* can do the tank maintenance on my tank too ;) ).
Found some lovely blue-eyed albino bristlenose -- thinking I may *need* a few of those and the LFS that we sell too is quite keen to have us breed some for them.  We need to get some fish going again because actually paying for food and supplies is getting old (during the peak of DD's fish project she took to nationals for FFA we always had enough store credit to cover anything we needed plus some cash in her pocket).   Thinking of doing some rams in my tank, another one that I love *and* that there is a good demand for.

I bred angels for a little while before I went to saltwater. My mom still has a couple of my babies. I had a pair that threw albino babies, but could never get them to live past a week. Miss all my fish :(

What colors and stuff are you breeding?
Hi everyone. I have a tank of guppies right now. All of the older ones randomly died a few weeks ago. Very pretty fish they were. The young are still okay.
Wow I love this tread I only have guppy,s in my 125 tank right now an one peaco thinking of adding a lot of plants? Any ideal on what would work best? We have always had a tank an have done everything but salt water in them .any ideal what I can put with guppy,s that will not eat them?this is our first guppy try .

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