The fish tank thread.

The bigger my fish got the less plants I keep in it, floaters they eat, lillies won't grow, so no plants anymore, just some cinder block to hide in, and this year I added duck decoys just because I can. I don't want water in it in winter because I don't want it to crack.
The bigger my fish got the less plants I keep in it, floaters they eat, lillies won't grow, so no plants anymore, just some cinder block to hide in, and this year I added duck decoys just because I can. I don't want water in it in winter because I don't want it to crack.

I can fully understand the problems with ice. I used to live in northern Indiana.

I get all my plants local except the water Lilly. The problem I have is the fact that I can't gather any of the submerged plants that used to be so common up north. But I have gathered some arrowheads (not supposed to in my county) elephant ears, flag Lilly etc.

I found some water Lilly in an old tub out by the greenhouse and they have multiplied to quite a few. A person down the road has some pretty red ones in his pond and I have been thinking about asking him for a few. Don't sink Lillie's too deep or they will die.

I just go out and gather them when the season permits. Most are bog plants.
I just got some new fish, they are both female sword tails, but I'm wondering if they might have scale rot? They just sit at the bottom of the tank, swim up for a while then go back down, are eating very little, the rest they just spit back out, any suggestions on what it is?

I just got some new fish, they are both female sword tails, but I'm wondering if they might have scale rot? They just sit at the bottom of the tank, swim up for a while then go back down, are eating very little, the rest they just spit back out, any suggestions on what it is?

what acclimation process did you use in moving them from bag to tank? What are your current water parameters? We're they healthy and active at the time of purchase (meaning in the tank they came from)?
I acclimated them by putting the bag into the tank for 15-20 mins, added a small amount of water, waited another 15-20 mins, added a bit more water, waited 10 mins, added a little bit more water, waited 10 more mins, added more water, waited 5 mins, then I used my net to net them out, which is what I usually do with my mollies and bettas. The fish are in a tank that is about 6-7 months old. It's 3 gallons. I had my baby mollies in it for a few months, they're now in a ten gallon. I'm using the 3 gal. As a quarantine tank right now, because the fish are new, but most likely the will go into my other 10 gal. That holds a few adult mollies. And yes they were fairly active. They have just now begun to swim around a bit on the bottom and scavenge for the food I put in there this morning. I've had them since Tuesday afternoon
Have you tried a salt dip? It is kinda drastic but sometimes it works. Just dip them in some salt water for a few seconds. But it should be used as a last resort.
Have you tried a salt dip? It is kinda drastic but sometimes it works. Just dip them in some salt water for a few seconds. But it should be used as a last resort.
you could also add some aquarium salts to the water as most livebearers do well with a bit of salinity.

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