The fish tank thread.

Anyone here have/ had lizard catfish before? I can't find much about them, mainly that they eat algae, grow around 5 inches, are peaceful, and are secretive. I plan to get one today at Petsmart and was wondering if anyone has had experience with them
Well it appears they like to hide and do better in larger tanks that have lots of hiding spaces (planted tanks are a plus). I would make sure to feed them a couple bits of algae wafers so they eat well.
Well it appears they like to hide and do better in larger tanks that have lots of hiding spaces (planted tanks are a plus). I would make sure to feed them a couple bits of algae wafers so they eat well.
Ah I see, I have a few real plants along with a fake one, and some caves so my loaches and Cory cats can hide. And I have algae wafers that I put in there for my former otocinclus, but I may hold off getting one for a while.
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good for you!

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