The fish tank thread.

Hey, anyone still here? I found this thread very interesting and would love to see more pictures :)
I'm around! If you own any tanks you should post a few pics as well.

Here is one of my smaller tanks, a 2.5g with a female betta.

Wow, you just posted that the second I came on haha.
I don't have a fish tank, but I would love one. The tanks are just so expensive if you want to keep something besides a betta or nano's. It's good to see someone keeping their betta in a 2.5gal and not a cup or vase. What's her name? :)
Wow, you just posted that the second I came on haha.
I don't have a fish tank, but I would love one. The tanks are just so expensive if you want to keep something besides a betta or nano's. It's good to see someone keeping their betta in a 2.5gal and not a cup or vase. What's her name? :)
lol I have always had excellent timing (Not) lol. But actually I don't have a name, I'm lame like that. I've been keeping fish since I was 12, so I mainly keep tanks more or less for the plants now. She's very pink though, I got her from petsmart (I think). She was very tiny at the time, she's probably the fattest one I've ever owned. Granted, I've only ever had 4 Bettas. I have a male in a 37g with 8 neons, I'll have to post a pic of that tank, it's one of my favorites.
lol I have always had excellent timing (Not) lol. But actually I don't have a name, I'm lame like that. I've been keeping fish since I was 12, so I mainly keep tanks more or less for the plants now. She's very pink though, I got her from petsmart (I think). She was very tiny at the time, she's probably the fattest one I've ever owned. Granted, I've only ever had 4 Bettas. I have a male in a 37g with 8 neons, I'll have to post a pic of that tank, it's one of my favorites.
Oh haha, I name everything. I did have a tank a few years ago but it went terribly wrong, someone in my family cleaned it out with soap.. I would love to see that 37g, it sounds amazing.
Hello! I want to get a 20 gallon saltwater tank with a Mandarin goby. Could I keep peppermint shrimp with him? Or what other species. And if not, what groups of fish would be good in a saltwater. Is it possible to have a "crustacean tank" with a bunch of crabs and shrimp with a maybe a Mandarin goby?
If I got a 20 gallon freshwater, what is a strange, different fish I could keep in their? I'm fine with a bunch of normalish fish but I want a freshwater tank that would stand out. I was thinking freshwater puffer but they need 30 gal. Thanks!( Sorry for all the questions)
Would this stocking work for a 20 gallon?
4 tetras (neon)
2 pencilfish
2 rasbora
2 kuhli loach
A whiptail catfish
2 Cory
10 shrimp
2 zebra danios
2 pearl danios
5 guppies
Anything else or less or any better fish?
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Danios can grow to be over two inches in length, and usually it would be recommended that for four to six danios you would use a ten gallon tank. But because you plan on also keeping all those other fish I think a twenty gal is a little small.

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