The fish tank thread.

Oops I messed up... ! I'm now planning on 4 kuhli loaches, 5 guppies or so, and ten shrimp and snails. I don't want too many top or middle swimming fish, but mostly focus on the kuhlis and shrimp. Thanks lsky!
You're welcome. Shrimp are beautiful, so are guppies. Good luck with your tank. If you need more help there's a couple of fish keeping forums you could join, and plenty of youtubers you could watch. Again, I'm no fish expert so take what I say with a pinch of salt. :)
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Now I'm planning on a planted shrimp tank, 20 gal. Anybody have one? What should be the pH levels, etc? I won't be adding the shrimp till October and I'm getting the tank in September
All I know is that mandarin gobies are extremely hard to keep alive for a newbie. I don't own any saltwater tanks, but I've been told many of the common species are bad for beginners. The most highly recommended marine fish I believe is clowns, inexpensive and less picky because they are now captive bred.
Hello! I want to get a 20 gallon saltwater tank with a Mandarin goby. Could I keep peppermint shrimp with him? Or what other species. And if not, what groups of fish would be good in a saltwater. Is it possible to have a "crustacean tank" with a bunch of crabs and shrimp with a maybe a Mandarin goby?
If I got a 20 gallon freshwater, what is a strange, different fish I could keep in their? I'm fine with a bunch of normalish fish but I want a freshwater tank that would stand out. I was thinking freshwater puffer but they need 30 gal. Thanks!( Sorry for all the questions)

I'll post a list of unique freshwater fish soon
lol I have always had excellent timing (Not) lol. But actually I don't have a name, I'm lame like that. I've been keeping fish since I was 12, so I mainly keep tanks more or less for the plants now. She's very pink though, I got her from petsmart (I think). She was very tiny at the time, she's probably the fattest one I've ever owned. Granted, I've only ever had 4 Bettas. I have a male in a 37g with 8 neons, I'll have to post a pic of that tank, it's one of my favorites.

I just got around to taking a pic lol.
it's not looking its finest right now, I've been busy with my birds lately
All I know is that mandarin gobies are extremely hard to keep alive for a newbie. I don't own any saltwater tanks, but I've been told many of the common species are bad for beginners. The most highly recommended marine fish I believe is clowns, inexpensive and less picky because they are now captive bred.

I'll post a list of unique freshwater fish soon
Ok thanks!


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