The Front Porch Swing

Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

BM6, sorry you're going through this. Have you had any necropsies done? If you lose any more roosters, I'd certainly find out why!
Awww Heather that stinks!!!! Are any of the eggs from the black bresse fertile?? Are you incubating them to get another roo??? You can have my 1 CCL roo chick I have?? Hes only two weeks old but hes yours if you want him??
Awww Heather that stinks!!!! Are any of the eggs from the black bresse fertile?? Are you incubating them to get another roo??? You can have my 1 CCL roo chick I have?? Hes only two weeks old but hes yours if you want him??
Awww...that is so sweet, but I do have another 2 that are pretty young yet that I can use if I need to. I wasn't planning to keep them because I don't like how they look, but if I have to I will.
Good Morning, Happy Chicken People!

BM6, sorry you're going through this. Have you had any necropsies done? If you lose any more roosters, I'd certainly find out why!
I have not-my Leghorn roo killed my oldest Legbar, I know that. We never found much of the younger roo, just feathers, mostly. My cats don't bother them unless they are already dead-then they eat them. The Legbars free-range during the day. It is possible he died and the cats found him before I did, or it is possible that something else killed him or he just died. The Black Bresse roo is the only one that I know just died. There is no way to get into his pen without opening the door, so nothing killed him.
I did think about it and I just bought layer feed the last time, so maybe that is what it was. Then again, I only had him for 3+ weeks, so I don't know what he was fed before. Since the Bresse are meat birds, I am also thinking he may have had a weak heart.
He was a big, beautiful guy!
Oh heather that sucks. At least he was in quarinteen so you aren't freaked out about everyone.

From my reading the black breese are egg birds not meat birds. At least the one arrival I read about that went into it said they were fairly different stock not just different colors. But them I don't know if I buy the whole different enzymes in breese thing.

I understand the ready to give up thing. I have one brooder of chicks I can't keep alive. I lost 6 more this morning. Everyone under hens are fine even if they were originally from that group. I just gave up heart on them this morning. They are on corid water and seperated. Its just so disc urging and heartbreaking.
On top of all of these issues everyone seems to be suffering from, I have a question about MG. I bought a chick as a companion for the one tolbunt polish I had hatch. I didn't notice until the next day, but it has/had (doing better now) crackling noises as it breathed/chirped. I talked to a local vet (who does see birds) about testing, but I was wondering what you guys thought? These two chicks are in quarantine, but I want to rule out MG without having to kill them both. Is this possible?
Sorry for all the losses everyone. I think we have to remember that even though we love these animals and treat them well that at the end of the day they are a prey animal. We give them a much better and longer life in most instances than they would have in the wild or grown commercially.
Oh heather that sucks. At least he was in quarinteen so you aren't freaked out about everyone.

From my reading the black breese are egg birds not meat birds. At least the one arrival I read about that went into it said they were fairly different stock not just different colors. But them I don't know if I buy the whole different enzymes in breese thing.

I understand the ready to give up thing. I have one brooder of chicks I can't keep alive. I lost 6 more this morning. Everyone under hens are fine even if they were originally from that group. I just gave up heart on them this morning. They are on corid water and seperated. Its just so disc urging and heartbreaking.

Are your chicks still eating? I scramble or boil eggs, chop them fine, and mix it with kefir or plain yogurt. It has always helped.
Sorry to hear about your roosters. I wish I could frustrating that I actually have some CCL cockerels (that I think I got from you!) that are going to no use that I can’t give you back because of the MG. Stuoopid Chicken diseases.
I understand the ready to give up thing. I have one brooder of chicks I can't keep alive. I lost 6 more this morning. Everyone under hens are fine even if they were originally from that group. I just gave up heart on them this morning. They are on corid water and seperated. Its just so disc urging and heartbreaking.
Try a different medication. I have heard that some coccidia is resistant to Corrid now.
either Sulfadimethoxine or Baycox?

I understand about discouraged...
I have had that pullet with possible mareks in my bathtub for over a week now. (It’s easy to clean/disinfect, is away from all the other chickens and not like we ever USE the bathtub (we have a separate shower)) I have tried vitamins in her water because the State Ag people said it might be a vitamin deficiency, but she has not improved. So I am taking her in to get her killed and tested.

The kicker is that she was my absolute favorite dorking pullet ever. She has a coloration that was unique in Dorkings…never seen before by any of the dorking people I know, actually. I think she is a splash/blue base color with a cream/gold diluter in her hackle coloring and her blue base feathers were edged with gold also…I was so interested in seeing what she developed into. Now I will never know. I looked into having her live-tested but they charge $100 for the test and they won’t take the blood…I have to find someone else to do it. Which I have had no luck for with the MG so I know that’s a non-starter.

And it is probably mareks. So wouldn’t save her anyway. loving chickens can be so incredibly frustrating and heartbreaking sometimes...

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