The Front Porch Swing

My grandson Jamie and his wife Rachel just sent me a text message with a picture of Landyn, our great-grandson.

Congrats, cute way to break the news
And they don't LOOK like eggs either! All the same color? Pale yellow yolks? Nope, not real eggs

I buy store eggs every once in a while (well, WIC does...
) My local grocery store actually carries eggs produced in Centre, Alabama. I always get brown ones because they look like my own eggs. They're not QUITE as good, but they look "real". They're freckled and different sizes and colors and they have imperfections.. that to me makes them ok. I don't like the white eggs that look like they've been bleached. And they're not horrendously anemic looking.

I love my local grocery store. They carry lots of local products. Even honey from a guy that lives in my town. How awesome is that?

Not sure about foghorn's ears. I think red.. I got two white rock hens and he doesn't look too terribly different.
Originally Posted by enola

Hey guys! I just saw my 'funny' rooster crow.... what a pathetic sound. Sort of like a 8 week old cockerel. I am pretty sure he is one year old this month. Maybe I should name him Daniel. Well......maybe not ......I have a grandson named Daniel. .....

When I was a kid, I had a bantam rooster named... "Aunt Alma" after a favorite "not aunt" of mine. I spent hours throwing him out my upstairs bedroom window. I'm not sure which one of us had the most fun. Of course, there was also, at the same time, the 17# male cat named Sally, named after my Sunday School teacher.
LOL.... we had a dog named Kitty once.... Part Boston Terrier and part something long legged. We named her Kitty because we were renting and we werent allowed a dog. So when the Land lord would pop in un announced it was my job to Drop Kitty over the neighbors fence.... They were in on it and their dog was best buds with Kitty.

Mee toooo! I think they are wonderful. I haven't had any eggs from any of my chickens except for Ida (one of the Red Sex Links) yet, but I'm hoping. I know exactly what you mean about brown eggs - I heard a lady at the grocery store send her daughter back to the cooler section to get brown eggs instead of white ones because those were the "farm eggs and they're better for us." I wanted to hand her a business card and let her know that blue or green eggs are even better, even though I know they aren't! The lady who works at town hall as our clerk was incredulous! "Blue eggs! Birds don't lay blue eggs!" Oh yeah? Somebody better explain that to robins!

My babies are SBEL's super blue egg layers. Crested cream legbar over leghorn. They are small babies. 10 days old today. One got loose and I had he// trying to get it back in the brooder. Went through a 1' slatted iron grate. My babies were so miserable today. 104 in the storeroom with me running out ice and cold water and sprinkling them. We made it through and the handyman is coming in the morning to wrap my small dog kennel for them. It's in the shade most of the day. I am not attached at all the my 3 mo old hatchery birds. No interest in me at all. But the new babies are different.
I have decided to buy 10 of the blue walmart shopping bags and fill with potting soil and put them in the bottom of one of the dog crates. Keep 3-4" water in it and start growing. I can't handle weeding the garden or planting but I can do this.
LOL....  we had a dog named Kitty once....  Part Boston Terrier and part something long legged.  We named her Kitty because we were renting and we werent allowed a dog.  So when the Land lord would pop in un announced it was my job to Drop Kitty over the neighbors fence....  They were in on it and their dog was best buds with Kitty.

We had a dog named Pig. Well her registered name was Lady Guinevere. We tried calling her Guiney and that went to Guine which sounded like guine pig and eventually it was just Pig.
LOL.... we had a dog named Kitty once.... Part Boston Terrier and part something long legged. We named her Kitty because we were renting and we werent allowed a dog. So when the Land lord would pop in un announced it was my job to Drop Kitty over the neighbors fence.... They were in on it and their dog was best buds with Kitty.


We had a German Shepherd named Kitty. Dad put up a sign saying 'Beware of Kitty'.
Our last name ended in 'S'. He always wanted to name one of the boys 'Archibald Sebastian'. I'll let you see what the initials are. Mother always put her foot down.

Lisa :)
Woohoo!! On my way to pick up my eggs at the PO. White Phymouth Rocks. They've been on the road 4-5 days. When I asked Wade had he shipped yesterday he said they were supposed to be there on the 30. hmmmmmm Question. I have the turner on already. Should I unplug it and turn the others by hand for a few days. Somebody said 5 days but I usually do it 3. (like I've done it much at all)
We had a German Shepherd named Kitty. Dad put up a sign saying 'Beware of Kitty'.
Our last name ended in 'S'. He always wanted to name one of the boys 'Archibald Sebastian'. I'll let you see what the initials are. Mother always put her foot down.

Lisa :)
Ma and Dad took care of my brother's black lab while he was out of town for 5 weeks. He neglected to mention that Jesse was expecting but they figured that out right quick. She gave birth to 4 puppies in the basement and Dad, softie that he was, would sit on the floor with them from the time he got home from work until time to eat, then go back down and make sure they were all settled for the night. One puppy in particular caught his fancy - a homely little brindle who looked totally different than the other 3. Dad named him "Sluf" and they kept him. Turned out to be the best dog they ever owned. Sluf stood for "Stupid Little Ugly F.....', um you fill in the blank. (Am I gonna get bleeped?)

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