The Front Porch Swing

I braid my hair most of the time, definitely at night. I have thick, curly hair and have fought with it my whole life. I keep it long because I can't stand it short.

My hens are on the "I will lay whenever I please" schedule, since they can't read any better than your hens.
Okay, all of your Porch Perchers in the path or vicinity of Arthur - keep an eye on the sky, have your supplies on hand, and keep us posted as you can about what's going on in your neighborhoods! I worry - that's my job and I'm good at it! Katie's hair before yesterday: Katie's hair yesterday: I know women (and a few men) who have paid a fortune to get those curls! She fights them tooth and nail! The lady who cut it yesterday kept commenting on how thick it is....and was giggling because the more she cut off the curlier it got! These pictures were taken after a liberal dose of Curl Control. Ah, Bug, you are so doggone cute I can't stand it! :hugs
Love the new doo! You are correct, I have paid fortune to try to get those curls!
I've always wanted to try that WEN stuff. I sleep with my hair tied in a bun, I can't let it down while sleeping. Heck, I honestly don't wear it down much, period. Makes you wonder what the point of long hair is :lol: My mom used to buy a detangle spray, not sure what it was, but it helped a lot. We got tired of it once, and cut it really short. It looked awful on me. So I let it grow really long again. Cut it short-ish... grow it long. And so on and so forth. It's time again. I'm sure my husband will be sad :p
I wear mine long because I'm too lazy to wear it short. Now I get out of the shower and pull it back into a clip. I may or may not get around to brushing it before I go to bed. If it was short I would have to actually style it *gasp*.
My hair is not donation worthy. I don't get it cut often enough. By the time I decide it's time to cut it, it's because of the massive amount of frizz and split ends. They did use my hair to soak up the oil after the BP spill. The stuff they sweep up at salons can be put into big pantyhose like tubes and apparently it soaks up oil like nothing else. Makes sense!
I do the same grow and cut routine but mine is super straight and since I don't dry or style it is fairly healthy so have been able to donate twice now.
Okay, all of your Porch Perchers in the path or vicinity of Arthur - keep an eye on the sky, have your supplies on hand, and keep us posted as you can about what's going on in your neighborhoods!  I worry - that's my job and I'm good at !

Unfortunately, as the latest forecast track of Arthur indicates, we here in Nova Scotia are right in the direct line of the storm. I hate it and I sure hope it changes its track before it reaches us. Not looking forward to all that wind and rain !

Keep us in your prayers folks and may God bless each and everyone of you.
Love the new doo! You are correct, I have paid fortune to try to get those curls!
I wear mine long because I'm too lazy to wear it short. Now I get out of the shower and pull it back into a clip. I may or may not get around to brushing it before I go to bed. If it was short I would have to actually style it *gasp*.
I do the same grow and cut routine but mine is super straight and since I don't dry or style it is fairly healthy so have been able to donate twice now.

My daughter had such thick hair that grew fast. Every 2 years she would get it cut for Locks For Love. It take 6 bunches of hair to make 1 wig for a cancer patient, her hair counted as 2. She always pampered it so it was super healthy & strong.
Austin started donating to Locks of Love when he was 16. He had long, shiny, gloriously dark hair and it grew fast! So it wasn't surprising that he had signed the "organ donor" card on his driver's license. He always said, "It's not mine - I'm just keeping it fresh for someone who needs it later."
Love the new doo! You are correct, I have paid fortune to try to get those curls!
I wear mine long because I'm too lazy to wear it short. Now I get out of the shower and pull it back into a clip. I may or may not get around to brushing it before I go to bed. If it was short I would have to actually style it *gasp*.
I do the same grow and cut routine but mine is super straight and since I don't dry or style it is fairly healthy so have been able to donate twice now.
I'm the same way with my 51 it has hardly any grey and I keep it long because I don't want to have to style it! Laaazzyyy! Oh looks fine in a french braid, or a pony tail or long in a clip. I doubt I will ever cut it short. Too much trouble.
Unfortunately, as the latest forecast track of Arthur indicates, we here in Nova Scotia are right in the direct line of the storm. I hate it and I sure hope it changes its track before it reaches us. Not looking forward to all that wind and rain !

Keep us in your prayers folks and may God bless each and everyone of you.
keep us updated please!
This evening was a repeat of last evening, with the exception that Beatrice only laid one rubber egg instead of two. She looks miserable. I don't know if waiting for a good egg is worth it with her. I didn't see a prolapsed vent, but while I think I know what I'm looking for I'm a little unsure, especially since I checked her before the egg was laid. She just stands in place, staring at the ground, squatting, then shifting her position slightly and repeating the whole process. Last night it didn't take as long as it did tonight. She laid two then in the time it took her to finally get one tonight. This morning when I got up the first thing I did was throw my clothes on and run out to check her. She was so active and busy it was even hard to pick her out until I spotted her tell-tail wing feather. (She has just one wing feather that is all white) She was eating normally, dust bathing, drinking, pooping, quibbling with her roommates. But long about 7 she started the behavior pattern of the night before. I'm wondering if she'll be back to normal tomorrow until egg time again.

Keep your fingers crossed.....this is really troubling me now.
Frizz fest


And yes, I don't style my hair.. so the pony tail totally works.
I'm the same way with my 51 it has hardly any grey and I keep it long because I don't want to have to style it! Laaazzyyy! Oh looks fine in a french braid, or a pony tail or long in a clip. I doubt I will ever cut it short. Too much trouble.
LOL! I never said anything about gray!! I'm 47 and have a definite frosted look going on in the front, sorta looks blonde at this point though. :) I need to learn how to French braid.... I either put it back in a clip or tie it in a knot and put a stick through it.

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