The Front Porch Swing

I don't even know how to post this. My husband, Doug, committed suicide this morning. I am still in shock. We do not even know why. Please Pray for him and for me. He was my life. I have no way of knowing how I will go on. If someone can contact bee, please PM me for my phone no. Her son was planning on apprenticing with him to be a gunsmith.

My heart goes out to you and your family. I can't imagine your pain. You will be in my thoughts.
.Thank you everyone, I am not even able to process this yet. I have friends and family with me for awhile, I will post when I can, I do feel you are my porch family. Your prayers are appreciated,
Deb W
@perchie.girl just scrolled through and saw everyone chatting about panthers! Wow! How scary having those lurking around! We have dingoes and foxes here in australia but they're just like dogs x
My condolences to you, friend.
Very sorry for your loss
I don't even know how to post this. My husband, Doug, committed suicide this morning. I am still in shock. We do not even know why. Please Pray for him and for me. He was my life. I have no way of knowing how I will go on. If someone can contact bee, please PM me for my phone no. Her son was planning on apprenticing with him to be a gunsmith.

I have no words to say. My heart is broken with you. Prayers for you all.
When someone we all care about has had such a horrible shock and loss, it's kind of hard to think of much else. So I hope that a post on a lighter note isn't inappropriate. If it is, I apologize and hope you will forgive me.

Miss Rubber Egg gave me her first very perfect egg, and it was a very nicely sized one besides. The outer two eggs were from Ida. The one in the center is from Beatrice. I'm pretty pleased, and relieved for her. She had a relatively easy time of it, too. I went out to clean the poop board this morning and she was in the coop. She hopped up into a nest box, fussed around for a bit, then tossed some pine shavings on her back. So I went ahead and finished cleaning, fluffed the litter a bit, and leaned against the wall to watch her for more problems. Within just a very few minutes she scared the bejeebers out of me with her "egg sound", and stood up, looked behind her, then left the box. This is what rolled out.

It's not just her shell production that's messed up, either. Her timing is way off! When I got up at 5 this morning, started the coffee then went out to check on her she'd laid another rubber egg. This one was on the poop board where she roosts. So two within half an hour the first day, and then two within 8 hours the second. Today she's fine, outside just being a chicken enjoying the sunshine and companionship. 'Tis a puzzlement.

Maybe she was backed up with FOUR eggs. Seems insane.. but possible? The other option: It takes 20 hours to make a good egg. Maybe hers rush through the assembly line and just breeze through the 'put on the shell' station. In time that should slow down, I would imagine.

My 12 y.o. has shown signs that point a bit to autism, including sensitivity to loud sounds. His reactions are over the top, but certainly not like what poor Katie deals with. He also misses a lot of social cues, and perseverates on one topic at a time for at least a year until he moves on to the next topic. I've tried to get him to use ear plugs, but unsuccessful, because he is also a bit tactile defensive. He's also super sensitive to scents... went ape when i had FF in the kitchen! Any how, I can't sleep without earplugs! The buzz saw beside me doesn't help there!

My little boy being deaf could very well be a blessing... and here we are trying to stuff hearing aids in his ears
He's funny about sound. Gotta have the radio on every waking moment.

I don't even know how to post this. My husband, Doug, committed suicide this morning. I am still in shock. We do not even know why. Please Pray for him and for me. He was my life. I have no way of knowing how I will go on. If someone can contact bee, please PM me for my phone no. Her son was planning on apprenticing with him to be a gunsmith.
.Thank you everyone, I am not even able to process this yet. I have friends and family with me for awhile, I will post when I can, I do feel you are my porch family. Your prayers are appreciated,
Deb W

So sorry. That must be so surreal. It'll likely take a while for reality to set in... When my mom passed away it took a while before it hit. Like, I wanted to call her to talk about it... that sort of thing.

Don't worry about posting, unless it helps you. I am so sorry for you and your husband. He must've been in a great deal of pain to choose such a permanent solution. I hope he found his peace and you will find yours, it's all that one can do in such a situation.

Talk about it, scream, cry, be mad, pray, punch something. I know you will come out stronger in the end.

Feel free to PM if you need someone to talk to. Are you going to be ok physically? I for one wouldn't know how to handle caring for my kids, while finding work and paying for all the bills and the house.
(don't mean to like.. make you worry. I will worry for you)

When someone we all care about has had such a horrible shock and loss, it's kind of hard to think of much else. So I hope that a post on a lighter note isn't inappropriate. If it is, I apologize and hope you will forgive me.

Miss Rubber Egg gave me her first very perfect egg, and it was a very nicely sized one besides. The outer two eggs were from Ida. The one in the center is from Beatrice. I'm pretty pleased, and relieved for her. She had a relatively easy time of it, too. I went out to clean the poop board this morning and she was in the coop. She hopped up into a nest box, fussed around for a bit, then tossed some pine shavings on her back. So I went ahead and finished cleaning, fluffed the litter a bit, and leaned against the wall to watch her for more problems. Within just a very few minutes she scared the bejeebers out of me with her "egg sound", and stood up, looked behind her, then left the box. This is what rolled out.


A little distraction can be very welcome, Blooie.

Egg songs are like a woman in labor, I would imagine. That just has to hurt!

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