The Front Porch Swing

Your predator was probably a cat. Gophers don't eat meat.

Ha, ha, ha ... someone forgot to tell our gophers that. They will drag their little pancake buddies off the road and snack away. But out here, it is a pretty tough place to survive, so you eat what you can get. They actually love grubs from the lawn. But I agree, they probably eat over 90% vegetation.

Ibejaran - you could create a logo of a knothole in the side of a treek and on your sign where you can put more detail put a hidden nest in there with lots of goodies in it - eggs, chickens. Or make it kinda look like a peak into the shop type of thing with dresses, chairs, and stuff. If you ever end up with a shop with a window, you could paint on the glass to make it a knothole view into the shop.
OK, I'm a little hesitant to ask, but....

Where is everyone? Was there a big fight or something? Is everyone on holiday? The "old crowd" just seems to have vanished and the porch is rather spacey. Just curious... Was hoping for a good chat and catching up with the regulars... Usually that takes a bout a week's worth of reading to catch up an afternoon's worth of chat!
Sounds like some new, chatty blood is needed then!

Hi, I'm Felix, and I have trouble shutting up.
Woo Hoo Felix.... VBG

OOOOhh recipes.... We are All for recipes... Pull up a chair and there are always some virtual treats on the porch...

I am a story teller too so is Blooie. I have to watch it on other groups because I digress so often.,,, But here Woo Hoo. You came to the right place we are builders, bakers, twiddlers, jokesters, and idea spinners.

I think I will start with a bit of re introduction.... That may help breathe a bit of live back into the group.

I am deb and live in San Diego County. My home is 60 miles east from where I live now. I am care taking for my Granmother who turned 98 on Wednesday. At my home I only have my horse. And a huge pile of projects waiting for me for when I move back. first and foremost will be getting the house liveable again.

Then the deconstruction and transformation of my chicken coop into a poultry house. I want to disassemble it and move it abouf 100 feet and reassemble it and pretty much double the square footage.

We processed Speckles yesterday, so the last of the roos at Oleo Acres is gone. It was so quiet this morning I actually slept in until 5:30! Peace should reign supreme now, as soon as the girls re-sort their pecking order.

I like the name, IB..... I don't know why the word "Hollow" always brings up visions of a peaceful, dark green place with secrets around every tree. I can't remember if you have a run attached to your coop or not, but if not that might be the solution so your Dad doesn't get too upset with unwanted deposits from the chickens but they still get time outside.

Wyo, here's hoping that the rest of the sale and the move to Wisconsin goes well. I know you're anxious to get settled and turning your homestead into your home.

I've got Katie for the next week. Kids are leaving for Denver today for Kendra's follow up MRI and EEG. So we decided to kill several birds with one stone. Every year we take Katie back to South Dakota so she can play with her other cousins and see her other gramma. Gail has MS so traveling out here has become impossible for her. I'll get to see Linda and see how she's doing and I sure want to check up on Little Diane. So we're taking off Tuesday and should be back on Sunday. Linda and Little Diane are both healing up well - Linda from her surgery and Little Diane from the assault - but I want to see them for myself.

Much love to all. Hope everybody enjoys the visit.
OOOOhh recipes.... We are All for recipes... Pull up a chair and there are always some virtual treats on the porch...

I am a story teller too so is Blooie. I have to watch it on other groups because I digress so often.,,, But here Woo Hoo. You came to the right place we are builders, bakers, twiddlers, jokesters, and idea spinners.

I think I will start with a bit of re introduction.... That may help breathe a bit of live back into the group.

I am deb and live in San Diego County. My home is 60 miles east from where I live now. I am care taking for my Granmother who turned 98 on Wednesday. At my home I only have my horse. And a huge pile of projects waiting for me for when I move back. first and foremost will be getting the house liveable again.

Then the deconstruction and transformation of my chicken coop into a poultry house. I want to disassemble it and move it abouf 100 feet and reassemble it and pretty much double the square footage.

I shall then continue in the same fashion.

I'm Felix, and I live in Kirkkonummi, 20 km west of Helsinki, the capitol of Finland. I live with my better half, our two labradors and dachshund, and 8 chickens, in a semi-detached house in a suburban area that would lean the scale more to the rural side.

The chickening is a new venture for this spring, but the thought had been brewing in the backs of our heads for a few years already. I enjoy all kinds of tinkering and building stuff, a bit of photography, some hunting, but my main passion among my hobbies is cooking. I know a little bit of everything, and everything about nothing.

At the moment I'm studying media technology, and that moment has lasted for quite some time. The dream is to move to a large farm at some point, and be self employed working from home.

I like debating things with people, and usually get into long arguments about the most silliest things. I never get offended, and that leads to me often assuming the same of other people, so I apologize in advance for some of the comments I'm surely going to make in the future.
So I learned NOT to wear a red shirt when tending to chickens. I was pecked at and used as a ladder for 3 to fight over yesterday. I bent over to adjust the feeders and BAM! 3 of them jumped on my back and would not get off. Holy crud did they scare me. I stood up and they refused to let go flapping and clawing to stay on me. I bet it was quite a sight. My normally docile group just went mental. I can only assume it was the color of my shirt. Today they are fine just hanging around with me.

No more red for me, it doesn't look that great on me anyway.

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