The Front Porch Swing

Sophia's heart was restarted without incident. They've closed now and she's in recovery. Her mom and dad will be able to see her in about 2-3 hours, and her Gramma Jackee and Grampa Bill shortly after that. She has a long road ahead of her. This surgery is over but she'll be in the CPICU for quite awhile - maybe as long as a week, with a couple of more weeks of hospitalization after that. Jackee said they'd probably be down there for 3 weeks or more. Then of course she'll have her regular angiograms and other stuff. But let me tell ya, this is one tough little cookie! She has a brother who is a year and half older than she is and she can run circles around him. So with the Good Lord's help, the skilled hands of her medical team, and all the love we can all give her, she'll have a good chance.

This is especially hard on Jackee. Her daughter, Krysta (Sophia's mom) would have had an older sister. But Cassie died two months into her short life from the same thing Sophia has. So every time something happens with Sophia, Jackee relives burying her little baby yet has to hide that from Krysta. Krysta knows about Cassie, of course, but Jackee has to work double hard not to project Cassie's death on what's happening with Sophia. Makes it really tough. Then too, we had another little guy in our Ronald McDonald House family who was born 2 weeks before Sophia. He died at 8 months old. This is a horrible heart defect. Hypoplastic Heart Syndrome is one of the worst of the worst. So if Sophia gets to open her eyes and see her family today, I'll count that as God working overtime to answer prayers from all over the country. Thank you all!

Edited to add: I love the half birthday idea too! Jenny and Kenny are leaving for Denver on Sunday to get Kendra's new braces Monday morning and they'll be seeing Sophia and the family. I'll bounce that off her before she leaves and have her ask Krysta about it.
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Sophia's heart was restarted without incident.  They've closed now and she's in recovery.  Her mom and dad will be able to see her in about 2-3 hours, and her Gramma Jackee and Grampa Bill shortly after that.  She has a long road ahead of her.  This surgery is over but she'll be in the CPICU for quite awhile - maybe as long as a week, with a couple of more weeks of hospitalization after that.  Jackee said they'd probably be down there for 3 weeks or more.  Then of course she'll have her regular angiograms and other stuff.  But let me tell ya, this is one tough little cookie!  She has a brother who is a  year and half older than she is and she can run circles around him.  So with the Good Lord's help, the skilled hands of her medical team, and all the love we can all give her, she'll have a good chance.  

This is especially hard on Jackee.  Her daughter, Krysta (Sophia's mom) would have had an older sister.  But Cassie died two months into her short life from the same thing Sophia has.  So every time something happens with Sophia, Jackee relives burying her little baby yet has to hide that from Krysta. Krysta knows about Cassie, of course, but Jackee has to work double hard not to project Cassie's death on what's happening with Sophia.  Makes it really tough.  Then too, we had another little guy in our Ronald McDonald House family who was born 2 weeks before Sophia.  He died at 8 months old.  This is a horrible heart defect.  Hypoplastic Heart Syndrome is one of the worst of the worst.  So if Sophia gets to open her eyes and see her family today, I'll count that as God working overtime to answer prayers from all over the country.  Thank you all!  

Edited to add:  I love the half birthday idea too!  Jenny and Kenny are leaving for Denver on Sunday to get Kendra's new braces Monday morning and they'll be seeing Sophia and the family.  I'll bounce that off her before she leaves and have her ask Krysta about it.

Glad it went smoothly. Poor grandma, I can't imagine how hard everything must be on her emotionally! Sounds like It went as smooth as possible, so that's good.
We did half birthdays for our boys when they were younger. They're both summer babies and their friends were always out of town on vacation. We had halfsies in Jan and Feb, no one's traveling then
. Plus, another excuse for cake and ice cream, right?
Update on Sophia. They figured she'd be down and out for the next 48 hours. Nope, not our Sophia! Jackee sent me a video taken of her a couple of hours ago and she was using a walker and taking her first walk down the hall. Krysta was standing where they told her to and Sophia had to walk to her. She was crying, "Mommy, Mommy" and Krysta was in the background encouraging her. An hour later she was sitting on her daddy's lap blowing bubbles! They are using that instead of the little thingy with the ball that she'd have to make rise up to keep those tiny little lungs clear. She's had so many open heart procedures already that they had a lot of repaired bone and scar tissue to go through, so they don't want her stressing her chest wall until maybe tomorrow or the next day. But she was giggling while she was blowing the bubbles, trying to make each one bigger and float farther than the first...

God is so good! We still need prayers for her, but we're all smiling tonight!
Yay, Sophia! So glad she's doing good! We'll keep the prayers and good thoughts up.

Today was a good day. I finally got contacts and I'm adapting pretty well since it's been a couple years since I've worn them. I also did a lot of yard work (with a little help, finally) and had a chance to relax a bit after all that. And just having a chance to watch my birds was very nice. I constantly worry when I have to leave my birds in the coop. I just keep thinking that something will happen to my turkey poults or that one of the birds will be injured because someone was feeling a little coop fever. Fortunately, it keeps that keeping my birds distracted with new bedding, hanging fruit and the numerous lizards that live in the coop has been keeping everyone from going stir crazy.

After months of not hatching any chicks, I finally decided to turn on my incubator and put in some eggs. If the dozen eggs I put in yesterday turn out to be fertile, I'll put in another set. I'm hoping my big EE roo is doing his job. For whatever reason, the roos I've had recently just haven't been doing much of anything. Push comes to shove and I'll sell/trade the rooster for one that will actually fertilize the eggs. I do need an Ameraucana rooster, after all...

Time to get a good night's rest and be prepared to work tomorrow. I have some seeds to sow and a couple more garden beds to dig up.

I wonder how long it will take me to grow one of these babies!!!

A student showed me this video today, my reaction was

I'm no hatching expert, but I'm not sure this is even possible!

What do you folks think? It seems like a weird joke video to me.

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