The Front Porch Swing

Naw... sometimes I type so fast the words as they come out of my brain and its pretty funny... so I don't correct.

Its actually Sunday night... LOL.... Tomorrow is my birthday. I already got my birthday present.... I am trying to figure out what to do for my birthday. Cant really go out to a restaurant. I may just make a pineapple upside down cake and call it a celebration.... LOL.



Friday/Sunday Same difference isn't it? And I was accusing you of having too much wine!

Happy birthday! (or do I have to wait another hour?)

Do what feels best to you! I am torn between wanting to be home with my hubby and kids, or doing what I loved to do pre-hubby and kids: go on a solo canoe overnight. My hubby will be home, but I might just miss the, or worse yet, feel guilty. Lol. My birthday is the 19th.
Quote: Naw... at 59 (in an hour) I drag my Bday out the whole week. Milking it all that I can... I am obligated to take the Grandmas with me if I go out. (we call My grandma and My mom "The Grandmas") Not a fun prospect... Mom doesnt drive so I have to Load grandma up get her walker in the back of the car then go and pickup Mom at her house. And Leaving grandma for a day or so isnt an option right now.

When I came I came to change myself. As a large family of 7 we actually were very frugal but I was wasteful in many ways. After I came in 2006, I saw how my husbands family lived and it really opened my eyes to the wealth I truely had. I went back and we cut up all but 1 credit card for emergencies since we had no insurance and our youngest diabetic. I have always bought in bulk, but my cupboards were always full no worries for 2 to 3 months. We spent around 7000 a month. Here I have 2000 a month and to many im wealthy. I buy gas for an suv for 13 bucks, food around 400 a week and the rest goes to getting things we needed until my household arrives. Ive been here almost 2 yrs now and I cant imagine to leave. We lose power up to 18 hours in mid summer up to 120 degrees and 80% humidity. My first year I lost much of my fresh foods since I had no deep freeze to store it so ive gone back to drying what I can buying fresh every few days rather than by pounds. Its hard, there has been no gas now in many areas for 3 days. Lots of reasons depends on who you listen to. A large propane tank cost 2.50 to fill and the government gave last year 2 tanks to any families in need who registered but my bil never told us how or where to get it. He resents us being here. My fil and mil came from some of the wealthiest families but much was taken by prior regime and only now are people able to petition to restore lost homes, businesses and lands. 1 property alone is worth millions that is on the coast and my bil can only see that he was the one living here suffering while his older brother lived in safety and freedom in the usa. We are not the only ones suffering this issue. My husband suffered too. But anyway I hope to share through my blog and pics life here. I observe..I dont tell them do like this but by example they see my ways and ask then I offer my info. Like feeding animals I cant change people over night, like my daughter owning a dog, teaching it. It was a challenge but now 2 yrs in people come to her and ask questions. As for God people here know God, they just call him a different name. The other day a lady asked me one of my daughters names, I told her Rachael. She said thats not a Muslim name...I told her yes it is. Rachael was the wife of the Prophet Moses our Musa. Her name is Rahill in arabic. My second daughter Melissa or bee, I told her Nahla in arabic. But I told them they were from my first husband who died. a divorced woman with 2 kids who is first wife to a muslim man. My husband went out of social norms when he married me lol. But we have been married 27 yrs and we both know each other. He knew I was strong enough to be here alone while he returned to finish our personal issues in the states. Life here is far from easy but being here has brought me closer to God than ever before. There are few beggars here, for one they can walk into every store on the street and ask for charity and be given money with blessings, bags of fresh food, a sandwich or cup of coffee. Charity is daily here not once a year. Elderly, widowed, orphaned everyonecis provided for. The refugees from Syria here find basic shelter and donations are left outside their doors quietly so no offense is made. No human should have to beg. They often have women sitting by the banks with small children on their laps people hand them money as they walk out. A month ago I had 30 dollars to my name. A man with 5 small children in a car barely running ask me for any change I might have seeing me in my fine car. I handed him a ten. I had nothing smaller. He drove away. I started to go but stopped and pulled aside and cried. My daughter asked me what was wrong. I told her I just gave one third of our last money to a stranger, if next week I had no money could I humble myself to beg? But I told her everytime I give away God gives me back. In away im a paycheck from poor. But I have a roof over my head and I can work in an instant just about anywhere. So im better off than most. I dont know why God led me here I know I serve a purpose. 3 yrs now ive been asking why I didnt die those few times. He is not done with me yet is all I know. So I live each day to its fullest. I might have more lessons to learn along the way but im blessed to learn them. So many go through life and look back to see nothing.
Dolmades use only Grape leaves... and OMG good. Little two or three bite morsels stuffed with lamb and rice and flavored with olive oil and lemon.... you also make vegetarian ones with rice and Chickpeas.

Look them up under greek recipes. I buy canned ones occasionally but my favorite comes from a Middle Eastern restaurant in the city run by a Turkish woman who makes them every day. Hers have lamb in them.


thanks. will do
Isn't that sweet? That never ceases to get me at the heart, no matter how many times I see it!

I think that is one of the number one reasons most people hesitate to send money overseas, for fear that it won't get to the people for whom they send it. It's a valid fear in a lot of the cases, as there are many ministries that seem more of a front for a very lucrative non-profit setup than a place that does God's work. It behooves everyone to research a ministry very well before committing.

Having said that, I think the best a person can really do is do the homework and research the missions, pray about it steadily, trust the Holy Spirit's leading on it~then turn loose of that money. It's not our money anyway and God will not send it out into the world in vain, He is faithful to finish what was started in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. It's called faith and at some point we all must employ it, be it when giving to the fellow holding a sign at an intersection, in an offering plate at the local church or to a missionary overseas.


By the way, you may have missed my question about DL in a raised coop, I posted a picture of it and was wondering if there are any disadvantages of having it moist, the floor is Vinyl so I was going to stop using the DE and moist it a little and also add a little soil on top of incorporating your advice on using different carbons.

By the way, you may have missed my question about DL in a raised coop, I posted a picture of it and was wondering if there are any disadvantages of having it moist, the floor is Vinyl so I was going to stop using the DE and moist it a little and also add a little soil on top of incorporating your advice on using different carbons.  

I have two coops and both are more like rabbit hutches with a roosting bar! I kinda do the DL, in that I just keep adding to what is there. The only thing I don't get are the creepy crawlies that I would get if they were straight on the ground. It gets a bit moist because the rain can get in a little but since everyone says it needs moisture I don't worry about it. I use pine shavings and grass. I just think it is ok!

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