The Front Porch Swing

I've been wondering if we would ever get full dozens of the three "special" color eggs ( Green/Blue; White; Dark Brown) and today we got exactly 12 of each.

Very nice!

Personally I do not like barred rocks. My kids call them 'zebra chickens' lol. They are pretty to look at and the rooster's favorites, but they did not lay NOT ONE egg all winter long! Both of them went a full 3 mos without laying anything! I was so mad. they are now back to laying nearly every day just like before, but geez this winter was horrible for them. Good luck with yours :)
I had BR and they laid all through the winter. Mine were also very personable. I should get some more......

Today is lock down day!
Ooooh, good luck Lindz!

Re. Romance Novels. I have read them and love them. They are addictive so I don't read them anymore. Here is my thought: Why can't they be written without the sex. There are some that have been written where it is alluded to but not gone into with great detail. It is just like movies. Ken and I were watching the film 'His Girl Friday' with Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell. The dialogue in that was hilarious, fast, crazy, and witty. You had to really pay attention to what was being said and by whom. Movies today use language/curse words as a filler. That is my rant for today.

Lisa :)
Personally I do not like barred rocks. My kids call them 'zebra chickens' lol. They are pretty to look at and the rooster's favorites, but they did not lay NOT ONE egg all winter long! Both of them went a full 3 mos without laying anything! I was so mad. they are now back to laying nearly every day just like before, but geez this winter was horrible for them. Good luck with yours :)

Oh, my! Hopefully the mild winters here will work in my favor, as far as laying goes; still many weeks before the eggs are part of things for Barred Rocks are only 6 weeks old and, right now I'm just enchanted getting to spend time with them :)
Mutts basically. ... They are eggs from my flock..... I have a BCM and a blue Ameracauna over EEs and Golden comets. Plus a few from a friend. Not sure what they are. This was a test hatch before I got some Salmon Faverolles hatching eggs.

Mutts were all I had last first broody hatches ever and my first experience with an incubator. When the BCM went broody, I just put my layer flock eggs under her. She did a really good soon as she raised them she went and laid her second clutch then hid for three weeks and showed up at the back of the barn with her chicks! I have a Buff Orpington that just went broody, so I am going to get her settled somewhere other than the main coup nesting box and put different eggs under her because the ones she is on are mixed. i will probably do Marans and Bresse there too.
Yaaay, Lisa! Wow, not only do I not know how to quote many and partial posts (not a request for instructions, my computer is my phone so, limited), but I don't think I am functioning at a level to do so this early ;)
Thanks for the input on the Barred Rocks, mine are very personable, too. Last night as I was leaning over to fuss with a RIR, my little BR, Charlotte got impatient for attention and flew up to the edge of my vanity (yup, crazy tub brooder, here) to walk onto my back. I laughed and stood up VERY slowly while Charlotte walked up the "incline" and settled on my shoulder.

Agreed on the romance novel debate...I call them junk food for the brain. "Nutrition" is important, but who doesn't like a little junk food now and then?
-editorial and historical incongruities drive me nuts. Will go back and find the page that contradicts what I've just read, even if it's hundreds of pages.
-the sex scenes are often superfluous and tedious as a result (not to mention, cheesey). Blooie, don't forget...if the main characters "do the deed" before page 130, the book is always utter trash and poorly written ;)
Yaaay, Lisa! Wow, not only do I not know how to quote many and partial posts (not a request for instructions, my computer is my phone so, limited), but I don't think I am functioning at a level to do so this early

Thanks for the input on the Barred Rocks, mine are very personable, too. Last night as I was leaning over to fuss with a RIR, my little BR, Charlotte got impatient for attention and flew up to the edge of my vanity (yup, crazy tub brooder, here) to walk onto my back. I laughed and stood up VERY slowly while Charlotte walked up the "incline" and settled on my shoulder.

Agreed on the romance novel debate...I call them junk food for the brain. "Nutrition" is important, but who doesn't like a little junk food now and then?
-editorial and historical incongruities drive me nuts. Will go back and find the page that contradicts what I've just read, even if it's hundreds of pages.
-the sex scenes are often superfluous and tedious as a result (not to mention, cheesey). Blooie, don't forget...if the main characters "do the deed" before page 130, the book is always utter trash and poorly written

Beeps and Peeps, I would have 4 on my shoulders and head at the same time. Just remember if they do it when they are little, they will do it when they are big. :) I wear a cochlear implant. One of them got very good at flicking it off my ear. They haven't figured out how to get my earrings off yet (thank goodness)!

Lisa :)
Hahahah    Cheesy!!!    There are romance novels and then that  are ROMANCE novels.  When you find a good author, stay with her.  I hardly ever read what is on the back page.  If I don't know the author, I research the reviews.  Why waste good money on crap.  Historical, the best was Georgette Heyer.  ,   Scifi space opera was Lois McMasters Bujold.  (Right up there with Robert Heinlein) in awards.  Futuristic   JD Robb  Kick ***** cop in 2060.   I like Jayne Anne Krentz aka Amanda Quick and Jayne Castle.  Burned out on Laurell K Hamilton on vampires  (Got way to graphic)  Charlene Harris of True Blood Sukie fame also writes mysteries.  Kathleen Woodiwise wrote the first modern historical romance novel in the '80's.  Created a storm. Then they patterned all the stories after her.  Lots of sex and romance.  Like the modern romance novel.  
Blooie, I went the romance writing process in the late '80's.  Went to Atlanta to a Romance Writers Convention.   My stories were good, but......  but I'm way to inhibited to be comfortable writing sex scenes.  Just didn't flow for me.   Lost interest.  (Divorce can do that to you )  Dropped it.  Never regretted it.  I can read a heck of a lot faster than I can write.  That's all I care about.     :lau  

Loved the suggestions. Thanks, I will look them up. I like Ursula Le Guin and Angela Carter and Barbara Kingsolver as well as the oldies but goodies like Thomas Hardy and Jane Austen.
Beeps and Peeps, I would have 4 on my shoulders and head at the same time.  Just remember if they do it when they are little, they will do it when they are big.  :)  I wear a cochlear implant.  One of them got very good at flicking it off my ear.  They haven't figured out how to get my earrings off yet (thank goodness)!

Lisa :)

Yes, learning about earrings, painted toenails, etc. glad to hear the chickens keep their cuddly nature when they're older. It's one reason i went with babies instead of point of lay birds...i wanted to socialize friendly chickens.
Lol, A dear friend of mine wears a chochlear implant and will sometimes catch my eye and make a subtle flicking motion near her implant to let me know when she'd rather tune someone out.
I moved here from Florida...a year and a half ago I barely even owned closed shoes!

His Girl Friday is a favorite of mine. My father was bedridden when I was young and my mother worked to support the family along with my dad's disability, so I was the "home health care" providing meds, injections, taking blood pressure, etc...always said that it's no wonder my values are archaic because I kinda raised myself on 18th and 19th century literature and old movies :)

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