The Guy Said it was a Blue Chicken

I would say she's probably a blue wyandotte cross....and not a very young hen either. Her body type isn't right for a wyandotte. Yes, wyandottes are supposed to have yellow legs, but unfortunately all of them don't. I sold my blue wyandottes but here's a couple of pictures of mine for you to compare them to.

A rose comb refers to the type, not the color.
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Well, Phyllis is a very docile bird and it has been three weeks and the others still are not accepting her. She is very docile and I want her to just kick the crap out of those RIR's !! Sometimes I look out in the yard and they are at least in the same zip code but that is about it! She is the last to go in the coop at night and I have to stand there to make sure that she gets situated on the roost. Next time I'm getting all my hens at one time!

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