The Guy Said it was a Blue Chicken

She has a lot of the characteristics but I'm thinking that she may look more like a Blue Orpington perhaps - at least the pictures that I have looked at.
Black sexlinks have single combs 99.9% of the time; where did you get black sexlinks with rose combs?

She is not a blue Orpington, not with that comb. They have single combs. Now, she could be an Orp/Wyandotte cross since rose comb is dominant in that mix.
Now you have to realize that I say these two are Black Sex links because that's what the man that sold them to me told me. I don't know if these pics will do them justice but ....This is Gertrude
and this is Hazel
When you say rose comb you do mean the colour, right?
Could it be an EE pullet? I have a young EE that is a slate grey-blue color, solid all over. She has the slate colored legs. I'm guessing she's going to look a lot like this when she grows up...
I really have no idea . she could be almost anything that has been suggested I guess. I do know that she is a heavy bird. It will be interesting to see how she reacts and moves when I finally let her out to free range. I'm hoping I haven't upset the chi too much in the hen house !!! I guess I'll know for sure if she lays me an easter egg !!
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I have 2 blue Wyandottes that I got at the feed store, and at this point, they're are looking similar to yours. They're about 18 months old, and need a major molt. The feathers look a bit faded, much like yours.

I'll assume that since mine came from the feed store they were hatchery birds initially.

Post some pics after a good molt. I think you have a hatchery quality blue Wyandotte on your hands.
sorry to thread hijack but while on the subject of blue chickens, any idea what these two blues are? or are they simply a cross?


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