The Hatching House?

$15 is about the going rate for Black Copper Marans. I believe theirs are BL B Sp like mine.
I always try to look around locally and set my prices based on what others are asking

I am in Granville MA near CT/MA border. I have Bl B Sp Marans, Cream Legbars, White Legbars, Wheaten Ameraucanas and Sexlinked dark olive. olive and Blue egg layers. (Marans x Legbar and Ameraucana x Legbar crosses and backcrosses)
Hope to get my Bl B Sp ameraucanas up and running again as soon as I can get a quality rooster to replace the one I had.
$15 is about the going rate for Black Copper Marans. I believe theirs are BL B Sp like mine.
I always try to look around locally and set my prices based on what others are asking

I am in Granville MA near CT/MA border. I have Bl B Sp Marans, Cream Legbars, White Legbars, Wheaten Ameraucanas and Sexlinked dark olive. olive and Blue egg layers. (Marans x Legbar and Ameraucana x Legbar crosses and backcrosses)
Hope to get my Bl B Sp ameraucanas up and running again as soon as I can get a quality rooster to replace the one I had.

Wow you have lots of cool breeds! And a colorful egg basket it seems!

I just have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons (had 3 till last month :( ), and 2 Easter Eggers. I would love more colorful egg layers! But I also want to try some more brown layer breeds
Wow you have lots of cool breeds! And a colorful egg basket it seems!

I just have 1 Barred Rock, 2 Black Australorps, 2 Buff Orpingtons (had 3 till last month :( ), and 2 Easter Eggers. I would love more colorful egg layers! But I also want to try some more brown layer breeds

Thank you, I like having a colorful assortment. I think it makes for an interesting carton. I actually have quite a few other breeds. I am trying to narrow it down to ones I can offer hatching eggs and chicks for, with a preference for ones that may be sexed at or close to hatch.
Barnevelder Welsummer and Marans are your best dark brown egg layers some with darker speckles. I like to use them to make olive with speckles.
Thank you, I like having a colorful assortment. I think it makes for an interesting carton. I actually have quite a few other breeds. I am trying to narrow it down to ones I can offer hatching eggs and chicks for, with a preference for ones that may be sexed at or close to hatch.
Barnevelder Welsummer and Marans are your best dark brown egg layers some with darker speckles. I like to use them to make olive with speckles.

Yeah, it's definitely nice having colorful eggs!

And that makes sense! We only have the 7 and they're pets so I want to go for looks next! I chose these ones cause they're supposed to be pretty friendly and good layers. They are but a little skittish since I don't spend enough time with them and right now theyre all slacking :/ but they're 2 years old. It's slightly boring with all the buff and black though so I want to add some interesting colors. Like I want to try Speckled Sussex, Wyandotte (Gold Laced, Silver Laced, and possibly Blue Laced Red), Partridge Rock or Cochin, Silver Penciled Rock, and a bunch of Orpington and Australorp colors.

If I get more, I think my next order will be Speckled Sussex, Partridge Rock, Gold Laced Wyandotte, and then possibly Welsummer and/or Golden Buff/red sexlink or a leghorn just for eggs. Maybe another Easter Egger. But I'd only add maybe 5 so I wouldn't crowd the coop. But the coop is really designed for like 8 so I don't think I'll get more unless I build another one but we just built this one
We took on Greg Mignots flock and a few incubators and agreed to fill some of his orders that he did not fill. Turned out there were over 75 orders he did not fill! We sent out hundreds of chicks (out of our pocket). We did not get all the birds that we were supposed to from Greg and were not able to hatch specific breeds that had been ordered. We offered up our own stock to try and fill these orders. Mind you, we made zero dollars here. It hurt our regular business trying to fill these orders. There are some very unhappy people who ordered originally from Greg. That unhappiness was transferred to us. Greg called us and told us that he had 2 days worth of feed left and that he was not buying anymore feed. We drove down to VA to rescue these birds.
The back story, I placed an order through Greg Mignot and Linda Miller of Ultimate Orpingtons. They were bought out by AmyJo Labbe of The Hatching House which is where the Ole Yankee Farm is In Connecticut.

After sort of filling the orders...I learned to take cheap substitutes to get my 2 orders with Greg Filled by "the Hatching House"

Later after I had accepted the cheap substitutes,..When she contacted me and told me she had what I order originally I gladly paid the extra $200 to get that order. Received dead and dying order. She said she would make it up to me next Spring. Next Spring rolls around and she. Contacted me and said she has the chicks but this Spring the order would cost me $350. And I reminded her of last year's orders and she said this was making it up to me the chickens I wanted she had upped the price to for $125. Each. And she would send me 6 plus 2 extra. Ok I paid the $350. And waited. Where are the chicks she already had? She said she has them Ready to go! No chicks!? Waited then finally I complained to PayPal and she tells them all orders are custom orders and no refunds, and No cancellations and they said all custom orders can not be cancelled.

How could they be custom order when she claims she hatched everything those chickens laid and eggs old mwnshe has th chicks I originally wanted. So March's order came much later in the form of another breed and all Roos. Anyway she shipped me an order not my order. I got a box of roos and posted on her site I was rehoming the Delaware Roos she sent instead of the Salmon English Orpingtons.

She deleted my Posts and closed down that site in particular but has another site that has been running since 2015. She goes to TSC and has done some type of show and tell and people like her site. She has made it so no one that has the truth to tell, like real customers can not post. One must sign in and she screens posts to decide who and what gets posted. Can not get the truth to people. She talks a good talk but she does not walk the walk. So sorry to hear your story as your story sounds so much like my story. And the only difference is she said she finally had the chicks ai wanted and I took the bait again! Will
Not happen again.

There was a mix up with this order and we tried to fix it. The first shipment was left by the mailman in her driveway on a cold day. We specifically write on the boxes "For Pick Up Only" to be picked up at the Post Office. That is why that first batch did not make it. We continued to try and make this right. Our website will be back up within the next couple days. It was down during our off season and completely revamped.
- Sean
Thanks for posting @MoparSean . It is nice to hear both sides of the story. If what you are saying is true, then I am sorry your businesses name has been completely dragged through the mud. There probably are some things that could have been done better but it's probably not easy taking over someone else's business
There was a mix up with this order and we tried to fix it. The first shipment was left by the mailman in her driveway on a cold day. We specifically write on the boxes "For Pick Up Only" to be picked up at the Post Office. That is why that first batch did not make it. We continued to try and make this right. Our website will be back up within the next couple days. It was down during our off season and completely revamped.
- Sean
Left in my drive way? I do not know what your talking about.
This thread has been dormant for more than two years, but I found it this week. I ordered chicks from The Hatching House for the first time this year. They had an insane week and fell behind on their emails when I was expecting my chicks, I went searching for information and found this thread that upset me so I wanted to follow up with a happy ending. My only complaint about THH is that I wish they would communicate more. They filled my order with hours-old, healthy chicks. I couldn't be happier with the product.

When I picked up my chicks yesterday, I got to have a nice long conversation with AmyJo. There were even more sympathetic details to the back story than Sean shared above (two years ago). There was a breeder in Virginia whose niche was importing rare birds to breed, but he was terrible at filling orders and went out of business. THH bought his birds and incubators and put out a call on Facebook that they would try to fill his open orders, just out of goodwill and sense of community with other chicken lovers (they were not seeking payment). Well, almost a hundred unfulfilled orders came knocking on their door, they couldn't fill all of them at once, and then those angry customers posted here. Those customers were scammed, but not by this breeder.

AmyJo and Sean were very well intentioned in their actions, and this episode obviously turned into an extremely stressful year of their lives. My conclusion is that they are good people with healthy, happy animals. Their reviews on other platforms confirm this. (Read the reviews on their Facebook page, and please let those outweigh the complaints in this thread that originate from truly unusual circumstances.) I think these folks are very good members of our community, even though I only met them yesterday. Please give them a chance.

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