The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

I have quite a bit of work to do on a couple of the coops from the storm "Hermine". The wind blew off one of the vent covers so for now I screwed a piece of plywood up to keep the rain out and the feed dry, and on another coop the wind blew some of the rolled roofing loose (which I already fixed) and on another coop it blew some of the rolled roofing off and onto the netting over a pen. That was fun trying to wrestle that off and out of the pen. Also the roofing took down a piece of fence I had to put back up. Then I noticed my electric wire didn't work so I went around the pens and on the back side some more fencing was down which was strange as it is rather new. I had replaced it not long ago and I don't know how it came down so I put it back up. The plan is to put metal roofs on the coops that don't have the metal roofs on and also metal siding on them. I have some of the metal but need to get more. I was kind of waiting until cooler weather to start those projects. I'm going to try to fix the roof that the rolled roofing came off of as I don't have the metal for it yet so I'll be off to get some materials today. I'll have to get measurements so I can order the rest of the metal. I just want to keep the coops dry inside and the one the rolled roofing came off of is leaking so I want to fix it asap. That was my day in off and on rain.
Since you were directly in the path of the storm, it's a wonder you didn't have more damage. You didn't mention any casualties, so that's a good thing. Sounds like you could use an extra set of hands around the place. Are there any younguns around who'd do a few chores in exchange for a few eggs and a scrap bird or two?
I do the work myself. Hubby has Parkinson's. He does what he can. The biggest part of the storm where it made landfall was a bit north of us be we still got heavy winds and flooding. We didn't get flooded here but we are on a hill (hilltop Farm) and if it floods here the whole state will be under water. We are in Citrus County Florida. In town it flooded. The pens are very muddy even though it's sand. We needed rain but now we need some dry. No trees down but lots of branches on the ground. Still raining. I think tomorrow is supposed to be dryer with possible afternoon rain. I just cleaned some of the coops before this storm and rain but because of the muddy mess the birds track in I'll have to clean them out again.
I do the work myself. Hubby has Parkinson's. He does what he can. The biggest part of the storm where it made landfall was a bit north of us be we still got heavy winds and flooding. We didn't get flooded here but we are on a hill (hilltop Farm) and if it floods here the whole state will be under water. We are in Citrus County Florida. In town it flooded. The pens are very muddy even though it's sand. We needed rain but now we need some dry. No trees down but lots of branches on the ground. Still raining. I think tomorrow is supposed to be dryer with possible afternoon rain. I just cleaned some of the coops before this storm and rain but because of the muddy mess the birds track in I'll have to clean them out again.
for having to re-clean...
It seems like we've gotten a break in the rain, as well as the sweltering heat. Going to be in the low 90's for a few days, and it was a comfortable 72F this morning. I slipped out and shot a short vid of my birds. I'm starting to see some good lines on their backs, and their tails are starting to fill in. Just need to get the boys fattened up again...

Our weather station isn't working well. The rain gauge stopped working. I fiddled with it and thought I had it going again but it stopped again. From reported data at a nearby weather station, we have had over 5 inches of rain reported and it's still raining.
If not aloud please remove but anyone in Ohio have an extra rooster they would sell?

Large Fowl? I can bring you one by way of the Ohio National, Columbus, early November. If that helps, let me know. Bantam Red cockerels? I'm hip deep in them and those are reasonably affordable to ship overnight.

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