The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

My nankins are only 6 weeks old at this time and not very photogenic, lol. I did receive them from an established breeder. Her birds are from one the two original flocks brought to the us. I could get hatching eggs from a pure strain directly descended from the other flock, hence my curiosity at the crossing. I think maybe I will just stick with the genes I have now. Out of 32 chicks from a breeder who consistantly wins bb or rb in major shows I aught to be able to put to gether at least one trio of birds worth working with. Thank you for your patience with me :) lol
I am very new to chickens and did not realize that there was an old type. I thought I was doing good by getting my chick's from a small local feed store not a chain then I found out they ordered them from a hatchery. I went to a local man who breeds chickens. He told me about the batch of old type RIR's he had. And I got 2. I don't know what strain they are. He told me they would be larger and darker
I just saw the pictures of chick's you were talking about. They are the same age as mine, mine are not old type after all. I am so disappointed. I got cheated again. Thank you for helping me clarify

Sorry your are having trouble getting Heritage RIRs. They are hard to get. You may need to wait until next year since many of the breeders are breaking apart their breeding pens for the year.

Where are you located? Someone on this thread may have some and you could either get some from them or go to a chicken swap or etc.

Good luck!

I just saw the pictures of chick's you were talking about. They are the same age as mine, mine are not old type after all. I am so disappointed. I got cheated again. Thank you for helping me clarify
I'm thinking about doing some playing with my production reds, someone has already played with their genetics before I bought them (I got mine from a co-worker, not a hatchery or a feed store) and he ordered his from someone else (also not a hatchery). Long story short mine are darker and larger than the hatchery birds, their type is not as terrible as alot of the hatchery birds I've seen, but they could never be confused for heritage birds. I want some SC heritage RIRs once I finish my coop and will probably be getting rid of both the roos I have now (the smaller one has better color, but the bigger one has bigger type, but why keep an inferior roo if I can get the real thing, right?). When I get some heritage birds I will keep them pure, now that I have had that lesson patiently explained, and re-explained
to me until I got it. But I might establish me a little "mutt flock" that I play with just to see what might pop out of it every once in awhile. It might be fun and intriguing (and even informative!) to keep improving on the production hen I have and see if I can make her offspring better "type." Probably a lost cause but hey, I need things to keep my brain occupied at work and trying to figure out chicken genetics does that well.
I'm thinking about doing some playing with my production reds, someone has already played with their genetics before I bought them (I got mine from a co-worker, not a hatchery or a feed store) and he ordered his from someone else (also not a hatchery). Long story short mine are darker and larger than the hatchery birds, their type is not as terrible as alot of the hatchery birds I've seen, but they could never be confused for heritage birds. I want some SC heritage RIRs once I finish my coop and will probably be getting rid of both the roos I have now (the smaller one has better color, but the bigger one has bigger type, but why keep an inferior roo if I can get the real thing, right?). When I get some heritage birds I will keep them pure, now that I have had that lesson patiently explained, and re-explained
to me until I got it. But I might establish me a little "mutt flock" that I play with just to see what might pop out of it every once in awhile. It might be fun and intriguing (and even informative!) to keep improving on the production hen I have and see if I can make her offspring better "type." Probably a lost cause but hey, I need things to keep my brain occupied at work and trying to figure out chicken genetics does that well.
Go for it. Many of us have our heritage/exhibition pens and a laying pen. Some also have a project pen. If you fail, you can always make dumplins!
Mine made it thru last years summer. We had 30+ days of 100 or more.
I did lose some from other breeds on a 107 degree day. After that I
Rigged up a mister system and had no more issues.
Saw some Mohawk Reds yesterday at Matt 1616 place. I was there between 3:30 and 5:30 in the afternoon. It was hot 98 degrees. They where doing fine. Most of the Reds where out of the Illinois line but held their ground. The chicks from Florida or half Florida and half Illinois took it fine. Give them plenty of water sometimes twice a day. I have my birds in pens where I have a water faucet dripping into a pint feeding cup so the water is cool. Then the water runs off and goes outside the pen. Boy there where some nice birds and there will be plenty to buy as breeders and worth driving 500 miles to pick up. He will have plenty to share this fall and early winter as he travels up the road to Claton Alabama, Lucas ville and maybe Columbus if he can make those longer dist ace shows.

Will post pictures of the Road Trip on my Picture Trail or Photo Bucket account. bob

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