The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

On Bates Poultry 2015 price list below he has LF Rhode Island Reds. I wonder what bloodline these are?

2015 Bates Poultry Price List
Day Old Chicks (Minimum of 25 Chicks to ship, Can combine Breeds and Varieties)
Straight Run Only
Straight Run Only
SC Light Brown Leghorns $10.00 each
SC Dark Brown Leghorns $10.00 each
SC Rhode Island Red $10.00 each
Golden Campine $9.50 each
Black Ameraucana $8.00 each
Straight Run Only
SC Rhode Island Red $10.00 each
SC Light Brown Leghorns $8.50 each
I know mine are just as tame as they can be. I have 3 cockerels and 7 pullets all together in the same pen and I'd figured by now they'd be killing one another because the 19th they turned 6 months old. Just a little fighting between the cockerels but nothing compared to those production ones I had. I mean the temperament of these are just totally different. Blows my mind how easy going they are. Never seen any sort of behavior from the cockerels that would make me think they have aggression on their minds toward me. Such sweet birds and I dearly love them. I have both the production and the heritage and once the production ones are gone my plans are to have just the heritage ones. I raised all of them from chicks so I'm a little attached.

But my all time favorite bar none are these heritage!
so how did the columbia ms show go this week end would like to know
Oh it went really great! I actually got to go and took some pix as well. My daughter had sinus surgery on Monday of last week and I wasn't sure if I'd get to go. She started going stir crazy by Sat, and says lets go some where. I asked where and she said I don't care I just gotta go some where. So I say, what about the show she says lets go.
alrighty then.

There was some gorgeous birds there for sure. Didn't get to meet Matt U. though. I didn't know he was there. :( I hate that because I sure would have liked to learned a little from him!!! Maybe next time. But yes the show was awesome and I did learn a couple things there.

Hopefully this link will work. There was about 9 HRIR's there but not sure if Matt had any there. I know he did have one more gorgeous NH there. Man that thing was gorgeous! Tried 4 times to get a pic of him and it was a no go on em all. :(

<a href=" Chickens at the show/DSCF0924.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src=" Chickens at the show/DSCF0924.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo DSCF0924.jpg"/></a>

Edit: Loaded the photos for you RoseMarie, hope you don't mind.

No I don't mind.
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We have 4 production RIR hens right now. They will be just over a year old. We want to add 1 heritage RIR cockerel and 4 heritage RIR pullets. These will be about 16 weeks old.

I understand that it is good to put them in the same space but keep them separate for a while before letting them mingle.

Is there anything we should think about due to them being heritage and production?

What about chicks that are interbred?
We have 4 production RIR hens right now. They will be just over a year old. We want to add 1 heritage RIR cockerel and 4 heritage RIR pullets. These will be about 16 weeks old. I understand that it is good to put them in the same space but keep them separate for a while before letting them mingle. Is there anything we should think about due to them being heritage and production? What about chicks that are interbred?
I wish you were closer to Florida. I have a few cockerels. If I don't sell them in the not to distant future I will send them to freezer camp. I hate to do it but I have to do something. I can't keep them all. That is all part of hatching you get close to 50/50 males to females. Here are some of my cockerels.
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I wish you were closer to Florida. I have a few cockerels. If I don't sell them in the not to distant future I will send them to freezer camp. I hate to do it but I have to do something. I can't keep them all. That is all part of hatching you get close to 50/50 males to females. Here are some of my cockerels.
Wow they sure are pretty!

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