The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

I guess I need to find a couple of birds. Matt, Do you have any birds for sale with the nice yellow legs with the dark horn coloring? I'll have to look closer at my pullets and separate out any with more yellow in the legs.
Hey Ron,
Here's a picture then cropped to just the foot. These are my young ones from Matt. It does seem that after they get older both boys and girls loose the good yellow and lot's loose the dark horn color.

This is a stunning picture.
Do you have picture of the entire bird?
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I live near Omaha NE,
Does anyone have For Sale RIR, like these beautiful birds on this thread.?
I live near Omaha NE,
Does anyone have For Sale RIR, like these beautiful birds on this thread.?

Go back to page 565 scroll down to post #5648 click on MrHeinz77 and send him a PM He has the Underwood birds and may be able to help you out. I got eggs from him last October. He may be able to help you out. If you want to see the Underwood birds, go to my site listed in my profile. His cock bird is pictured in his post.
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Well, you may remember I was on here about a month or so ago trying to find a home for my RC Reds. I did rehome a roo and a few of the hens but have since decided to keep my reds, both SC and RC. My 4 year old daughter really likes these birds and we have decided they might be a good show bird for her in the near future. They are all being housed together for the winter which totally amazed me the the two roos mellowed out with the situation very quickly and decided to get along.

This flock free ranges most days and most of the girls, both single and rose have the nice horn color on the front of the legs--though it is hard to see in this light.
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I wish I could have ten dollars for people who worry about the yellow in the legs of their Rhode Island Reds. Do judges worry about that issue in picking their top choices?

Is their more important issues to think about. Like width of back being even, head points, legs dead center, vigor, extended keel to give you the oblong brick shape.

Seen a lot of people come and go because of that issue and worrying about color.

How ever, the person who carries the feed bucket makes the final call.
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