The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

does anyone have any pictures of lloyd flannigans line of birds. i've got nelsons now and would like to get some of lloyds birds too. any pics of them would be nice.

There are some folks on the RIRCA face book page but I don't know if anyone on here has them. I do know Bill Click and a couple others have them but haven't seen any pictures posted on here. They are posted on the face book page.
[/IMG] Here is Red. We brought him back from RI for my nephew and his daughter. They really wanted a RIR rooster for the last year. He is the pride and joy of their family. My great niece is very interested in chickens and loves this bird. Critique please. Do you think he would do ok at the Fair. He is so nice in fact we will be going back to get more if they will spare them. Yes that is the family cat and random chickens in the background. Red lives a very family life. He has been there for about a month and a half.

In a few months this fellow is going to be in his prime. Still needs time to get his finish in.

So may post young ckls and so much can change in one to two months. Some are worried sick at five to six months of age. of their Reds its just to early to tell.

When they get every feather in and put the poundage on their frame about 11 months of age on males then you have the true test of the Red.

Females when they lay their 10th egg are pretty much in their prime for color and type. Then as they lay for two to three months they kind of go out of shape. That's normal.

If I lived in the North East where its cold as can be the Nelson line would be a great strain to have. They can take the cold weather very well as they have lived up there for 20 years

If I lived in the South West then I may consider the Flanagan line. But I don't think the Flanagan line will match up or be as good as the Nelson birds unless you breed them for three years to adjust to the cold weather. Thank you Jimmy for the pictures .

I talked to a friend this mourning from the west coast and he told me he thinks Don is not able to supply anyone with Reds. Maybe the guy he farmed out his flock to but I don't know who this guy is or can send a beginner to him. Does anyone know who this guy is and will he share chicks with beginners?

If not its up to you guys on this tread to carry the ball if you have enough breeders to do it. Thanks again its so nice to see the good birds.

The male from Rhode Island may be a Nelson male. He is true to breed so go and get some females from where you got him from. They look like old fashion Reds to my eyes.

In a few months this fellow is going to be in his prime. Still needs time to get his finish in.

So may post young ckls and so much can change in one to two months. Some are worried sick at five to six months of age. of their Reds its just to early to tell.

When they get every feather in and put the poundage on their frame about 11 months of age on males then you have the true test of the Red.

Females when they lay their 10th egg are pretty much in their prime for color and type. Then as they lay for two to three months they kind of go out of shape. That's normal.

If I lived in the North East where its cold as can be the Nelson line would be a great strain to have. They can take the cold weather very well as they have lived up there for 20 years

If I lived in the South West then I may consider the Flanagan line. But I don't think the Flanagan line will match up or be as good as the Nelson birds unless you breed them for three years to adjust to the cold weather. Thank you Jimmy for the pictures .

I talked to a friend this mourning from the west coast and he told me he thinks Don is not able to supply anyone with Reds. Maybe the guy he farmed out his flock to but I don't know who this guy is or can send a beginner to him. Does anyone know who this guy is and will he share chicks with beginners?

If not its up to you guys on this tread to carry the ball if you have enough breeders to do it. Thanks again its so nice to see the good birds.

The male from Rhode Island may be a Nelson male. He is true to breed so go and get some females from where you got him from. They look like old fashion Reds to my eyes.

First, thanks Scott for your comment on my birds

Bob, that is so true. A couple of months can put one heck of a lot of change on these birds.

Bob, did you get your PM from me pertaining to Don? Here is the info that I have on Don's birds. This was posted by him a couple of years ago. I don't have any other information on these folks and have never seen anything weather they are breeding/selling any or not. Funny, someone just called me today and we were talking about this very thing.
All of my large RI Reds have been moved to Orchardbrook Farm -Dave & Kim Lofgren

Thanks again Scott
I have 12 - 4x4 which I use to keep my males in, several 4x8, and 6x10 pens. The problem I have found when I trying to use the 4x4 for a trio, the hens spend more time on the roosting bar than on the ground exercising and laying. I prefer a 6x10. That gives the females a lot of room to get around and get the kind of exercise they need to lay.

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