The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

Is it common for RIR to mature slow? I got a couple from a good breeder to along with black australorps and the BA's are double the size of the RIR and there all 6 months old.
I've put all of mine together for the moment but it sounds like it won't be long until I"ll have to seperate them, was also trying to save steps and the hens just don't like them and just now are starting back to laying another problem to solve on my hilltop, pens pens everywhere. And Jimmy maybe you need to move South and fight the fireants, not too many mosquitos at my farm but no snow as of yet but can't ever tell.
OH MY GOSH NOOOOO. I can't take the heat. lol When it gets over 70 w/humidity I can't stand it. Thanks anyway. I'll fight the breaking ice. lol
So far it's looking like we are going to have a nice turn out of Lg Fowl RIR's for our show coming up Nov 9th. Registration does not close until Thursday Oct 31st and we already have 13 lg fowl reds entered!

Start collecting them eggs people for incubation, im gonna need Many chicks in the spring, I wanna have atleast 50 or more reds, we have no one in CT that have any good Reds, and then I could help other people out here in New England :)

So far it's looking like we are going to have a nice turn out of Lg Fowl RIR's for our show coming up Nov 9th. Registration does not close until Thursday Oct 31st and we already have 13 lg fowl reds entered!

That is just super Chris. Are 12 of the LF yours? Oh my, I'm just kidding with you. lol I wish you all the best with your show.

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