The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

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What are your thoughts on this….I had a bird come up missing a few weeks back. While I was doing some yard work I let all my hens out (about 20ish) to free rang in the yard. So I was out there and my three dogs were all outside along with a barn cat. As the sun went down I went to lock up and did my head count and found I was missing a 5 month old BR. I looked all around, up and down the edge of the woods where they hang out and about 30 feet in to the woods up and down the tree line. No sign of anything. About a week later….same situation but this time I’m missing a 8 month old NH. At first I thought I miscounted my BR’s and questioned if I was really missing a bird but I know for fact how many NH were out and who was in the coop when I locked up. That night I walked all over looking for feathers or anything and came up empty. The next morning I walked the wood for about 2 hours and found zip!

My dogs bring me back birds, squirrels, rodents and bark and any and every noise and on the days these two chickens came up missing I never heard a sound out of any one of them. Both times it happened right before dusk is my best guess and non of the other birds have ever acted funny about anything.

Any ideas what this could be? Thanks,
My Guess is a bob cat. They take their prey and bury them for later.

What are your thoughts on this….I had a bird come up missing a few weeks back. While I was doing some yard work I let all my hens out (about 20ish) to free rang in the yard. So I was out there and my three dogs were all outside along with a barn cat. As the sun went down I went to lock up and did my head count and found I was missing a 5 month old BR. I looked all around, up and down the edge of the woods where they hang out and about 30 feet in to the woods up and down the tree line. No sign of anything. About a week later….same situation but this time I’m missing a 8 month old NH. At first I thought I miscounted my BR’s and questioned if I was really missing a bird but I know for fact how many NH were out and who was in the coop when I locked up. That night I walked all over looking for feathers or anything and came up empty. The next morning I walked the wood for about 2 hours and found zip!

My dogs bring me back birds, squirrels, rodents and bark and any and every noise and on the days these two chickens came up missing I never heard a sound out of any one of them. Both times it happened right before dusk is my best guess and non of the other birds have ever acted funny about anything.

Any ideas what this could be? Thanks,

Depending on your local predators. My local predators that do what you described are Bobcats, Fox, and coyote. Most likely a bobcat, they get brave when hungry and will learn to work around humans during their hunt.
I put electric wire around all of my pens. Since I've electrified I haven't lost a bird to any predators. When they touch the wire they don't come back to test it again. I have heard critters make contact. Surprise...
You guys should get a game camera and bait. It will record when the predator shows up and pattern them. At least you would know what to look for and when to look.
You guys should get a game camera and bait. It will record when the predator shows up and pattern them. At least you would know what to look for and when to look.

Im not sure i agree with a slow death by poisoning..its far to indiscriminate, cats, animals..

Just sayin'
I was told never to never leave Golden Marlin fly bait where coons can get to it as it is very poisonous to them. Was sure glad to find out not to do this. Some states consider poisoning wildlife a crime. Always check your local ordinances etc.
i am right there with you.i have "something"on schedule and kills in the same has gotten 2 birds and there will not be a 3rd.i will be sitting and waiting every morning until it comes back.
Haven't seen anything yet but it doesn't mean it is not there watching and waiting. The girls are all locked up and snug unless I am out there with them. My Anatolian male barks at something he smells when I am out there but I cannot see anything. The "thing" has to have had a full belly with that big rooster boy I sure miss him. My gun is loaded and sits within reach, I hope it will slip up. We do have bobcat, fox and coyote. I have a lot of redbugs on me where I grab the gun and took off out through the woods trying to trail whatever it was. I did put out some "bait" the other afternoon and hope it does the trick. It is not poison but if they eat it, it will get them especially if it is a coyote or a fox. I have a large low slung shed that was used for working cattle and I just enclosed it and turned the girls in there and they are happy, they have always like to hang around in there anyway, then I lock them up in the hen house at night. Whenever I see the "thing" I'll post it. Doesn't anything make you madder than something sneaky like this. I'm in the process of spraying and trying to push the brush and woods back some more so it won't have anywhere to hide.

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