The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

What's a waddle?
This was asked one page back, I just couldn't stop myself , I had to answer so get ready here it comes.---
---My wife says it is the way I walk, now that I've gotten older.
She may have something there.

Chris09-----You calling me a duck?
Ha.Ha! I was just answering the question as it was asked. But, you are right a wattle is the red thing-a-ma- jig under a chickens neck. And you know I might be related to a duck after all, because some things "quack me up!"
Chris09-----You calling me a duck?
Ha.Ha! I was just answering the question as it was asked. But, you are right a wattle is the red thing-a-ma- jig under a chickens neck. And you know I might be related to a duck after all, because some things "quack me up!"

Chris09-----You calling me a duck?
Ha.Ha! I was just answering the question as it was asked. But, you are right a wattle is the red thing-a-ma- jig under a chickens neck. And you know I might be related to a duck after all, because some things "quack me up!"
Hey now, you two better straighten yourselves up. You have me in stitches or should I say quacking up. ha,ha
Love good fun and humor.

Here is a picture of one of the top Red Males for 2012 on the ground and below is the picture that we breeds shoot for when we breeders these R I Reds.
There is one male who I saw two or three days ago at Matt 1616 house that is equal to this male. I hope to take a picture of him on the ground as he is the biggest Mohawk male I ever handled and I had raised them for many years. So lets get excitted and get more Rhode Island Reds in the hands of Back Yard Poutlry hobbiest.

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