The Houndsman are out this morning...

Diamond Wire Farms

9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Placerville, CA
So this has been an extremely hard spring. I separated my Toulouse from the chickens for breeding season, and have had predator problems ever since. Coyotes got 2 hens. Problem eliminated. Fencing tightened. Fox found its way into the hen house. 3 more hens gone. Hole found. Dog loosed. Fox never came back. But last night in the half hour between sundown and coop close, I lost a massive cochin roo. Ozzy, poor sweet boy, got nailed in the door of the coop defending the girls. I was home and didn't hear a thing. darn! But the trail of feathers was horrifying. It took a 12 pound rooster over an 8 ft fence. Bobcat. How do you keep that out of the yard?!? So I picked up the phone and the boys are out. I'm usually the first person to fortify, rather than hunt, but not this time. I have 2 geese sitting on a communal nest about 20 feet from the chicken coop. It is just to risky to button down the hatches and allow the cat to find the next easy meal. I had to leave for work, but I did hear the hounds starting to trail on the hill. Happy hunting boys, happy hunting.
I never keep my dogs away from the flocks, no losses here

When critters happen to get in the safe zone they do not live long enough 2 get away.

My dogs are the same way,tiny is a 180lb St.bernard,and Maynard is a 120lb mastif/pit bull mix.I have a high tensile fence all the way around the property line and they are constantly on patrol,they can smell the predators and will track them down and kill them.I have free range everything from pea's to geese.They are also deadly to trespassers.
An LGD. Yes we need a new one. My best dog is now old and deaf. So she needs to be in at night, or will end up a snack herself.
The young dogs are without leadership and a hunting breed, so not 100% trustworthy themselves.

UPDATE** The hounds trailed to the BLM property dominated by heavy brush. They could go no further. The den is certainly in there somewhere. The trap is going out tonight, baited with the safety cage and our guinea. Harsh on him emotionally, but better than putting one of the girls off laying for a week. Plus he's a LOUD son of a gun, so if we trap the cat we should find out right away!

Here's to hoping we'll have a new rug by morning...
I hope you don't mine me asking but I am planning for my farm and I want to allow some dogs to be out all night and day. Since they will more kill the predators what shots do you give your dogs since some of these animals carry all kind of things. To the OP please keep us posted on the hunt.
Our dogs get all the standard shots, plus Leptospirosis vaccine and Lyme's. Always good tick preventative treatment. If you are in a dense rattlesnake are, like ours, the aversion training is recommended, but the vaccine is still considered pretty harsh on some breeds. I'd be interested if any LGD owners have had success with the rattlesnake venom vaccine. The Leptospirosis vaccine is controversial because the strains the vaccine was developed for are different than the strains carried by most wildlife in the west. That being said, there is extremely low incidence of reactions to this vaccine, so in my opinion, better safe than sorry.

Thanks Balbinka & Jasmine- rest assured B's sister is safe and sound in the house with her ducklings. I'm thinking about naming her Pearl. What do you think?
It just comes down to habitat. Provide the habitat and the critters will come. I live on 5 acres of animal Disneyland, and critters love it.

(not saying its anyone's fault, Placerville is just a very nice, verdant place as Western lands go.)

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