THe idiocy of some people

I don't really consider 10 and 12 that young. I mean many parents think they're old enough to have a cell phone, walk to the bus, help with chores, get pierced ears, go to the mall with friends, watch horror movies and reality shows.

How is this any worse. (And I think chores at that age, or walking to the bus stop is not bad btw.)
i am just not the person who think its ok to let my kids sit in a running car , in the dark in a Walmart parking lot. Right next to a truck stop and the interstate. Somebody could have jumped in the car and the parents wouldnt have noticed until they are done shopping. THey could have been half way to Topeka or way out in the boonies.
i am just not the person who think its ok to let my kids sit in a running car , in the dark in a Walmart parking lot. Right next to a truck stop and the interstate. Somebody could have jumped in the car and the parents wouldnt have noticed until they are done shopping. THey could have been half way to Topeka or way out in the boonies.

10 and 12 years old.

At that age, I, my niece and nephew, all the children I grew up with, knew to keep the doors locked and wait for parents to return, and knew never to try and drive the car.

10 and 12 year old children are not idiots.

Leaving children that age in a car does not equal bad parents.

Now if they did not teach their children to lock doors and/or drive while in the parking lot, that would be bad parenting.
I know how to drive
and once me and my friend were catching fish out of the creek to put in his pond ( Pond completely dried out over the summer ) but he came down on his dirt bike so he drove back up to the house and got the vehicle came back to get me and the fish, then we drove back to his house simple as that
i am just not the person who think its ok to let my kids sit in a running car , in the dark in a Walmart parking lot. Right next to a truck stop and the interstate. Somebody could have jumped in the car and the parents wouldnt have noticed until they are done shopping. THey could have been half way to Topeka or way out in the boonies.

10 and 12 years old.

At that age, I, my niece and nephew, all the children I grew up with, knew to keep the doors locked and wait for parents to return, and knew never to try and drive the car.

10 and 12 year old children are not idiots.

Leaving children that age in a car does not equal bad parents.

Now if they did not teach their children to lock doors and/or drive while in the parking lot, that would be bad parenting.

Or the kids were goofing off, like most seem to do these days.
When I was 12, I babysat. When my sons were 12 and 6 years old, I could take a walk while they were inside watching TV. I would be gone for less than an hour, and they knew they could just call me because I carried my cell phone. That's how I got some exercise and a little peace, because it was just me and the kids back then.

I don't think that was wrong. Now, I would let them stay in the car while I ran into the store if they were 10 & 12. I would say, "Keep the door locked until I get back." I would leave the car on if it was cold outside.....
I don't know, I just don't agree. We live in the age of helicopter parents, where children are so infantalized that some don't know how to sweep.

Everyone has an opinion about what makes a good parent. I am just concerned about how quick people are willing to label other parents as bad parents for doing something they disagree with

spank your kids? bad parent

don't spank your kids? bad parent

Let 12 year old stay home alone for an hour? bad parent

Supervise your 15 year old's party? bad parent

Breast feed? bad parent

Don't breast feed? bad parent

Breast feed past 8 months? bad parent

Leave a 10 year old in a car? bad parent

believe in unschooling? bad parent?

kids go to public school? bad parent?

homeschool? bad parent?

athiest, christian, muslim. You guessed it bad parent

then there is ear piercing, cell phones, watching tv, not watching tv, traveling all the time, never traveling, homeschooling, always with your kids, rarely with your kids, free rang parenting, sheltered children, working too much, working too little, not working, stay at home mom or dad, both parents work, buying children many things, never buying kids gifts, disowning over religious or moral beliefs, tolerating all flaws.

All of these has gotten someone labeled as a bad parent and "idiot." Everyone has a stance on one of these things extremes or not.

I think it's over reactions even if I don't agree with some things. Beyond real harm or abuse, I think people are way too concerned about other's parenting jobs.
I wouldn't have a problem leaving the kids in the car at that age. My girls are younger than that, and I leave them in the car if they don't want to go in, but only on short trips, when I need to run and and grab something. I however do not leave the car running. Not because I fear my girls would mess with stuff, but because I'm afraid someone would drive off with them. When I leave the girls in the car, I lock the doors and tell them not to open it for anyone, even if they say they are the police and that their mom is in the store and needs them. I tell them the only person you open that door for is me. Most times they are reading or listening to their ipod. Its funny, they usually lay down low too, so noone sees them. I actually left them in the car the other day for a bit. When I returned, they were laying down low, and I couldn't see them. My first thought was, oh that must not be my car, then my second thought was, WHERE ARE MY GIRLS!!!! As I got closer, both were in the car reading. It was very hard letting them stay in the car the first couple of times. I never let the younger one stay by herself though. My older one has the maturity level of about a 15 year old, and is pretty smart,if I do say so myself, so it is a little easier letting her stay in the car.

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