THe idiocy of some people

I had/have a great mother! She left my sister and I in the car all the time while she shopped. We didn't have DVD players or video games to entertain us either. All we had was the up/down lever on the seat back, the stereo, and creative sibling rivalry. I know from the age of 9 I was home alone between the bus dropping me off and mom getting home from work. During the summer, I was home alone with my 6 year old sister all day while mom worked. I cooked meals, used sharp knives, rode a bike without a helmet and steered the car from the passanger seat while mom worked the peddles. I learned to drive a stick shift when I was 13. I had a classmate that learned to drive younger than that. He would fetch the tractors on the farm. One day his grandfather had a heart attack while driving the farm truck...he took over control of the truck and drove his grandpa to the hospital. He was in the 5th grade, so about 11-12 years old!

During the county fair, from the time my sister was 9 and I was 12, my mother would drop us off there to tend to our 4-H barn duties. She would go to work and we would fend for ourselves until she got off work. There weren't any cell phones to keep in touch with. And it wasn't back in the "good 'ol days" when things were simpler and safer. This was the 1990's.

This was my life experience and it served me well. I learned to be concious of my actions and environment, to be independent and responsible. You can't roll all kids and all parents into the same ball. What works for some is inappropriate for others. You saw a situation that you thought was bad and acted on your concience...those kids must've been really rough housing.
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It's easy to reply by saying 'when I was that age...', but these are different times now. There are too many stories of kids being taken that it would scare me to death to see kids alone in a car in a parking lot of a big store such as that. I think you did the right thing, not only for the safety of others but for the kids safety as well.
statistics show violent crime, kidnappings and molestation are fewer per population now a days then when we were children.

It only seems like more of it because we discuss it much more openly in the news and in general circles.
off topic but I love your avatar! It made me laugh loud enough to startle the dog.

I got that pick from my fil awhile back. I love it because I actually used to have a little old Maltese that looked just like her, minus the cigar and gun
We used to call her "Bada** Grandma. So I guess it kind of fits.
There are good parents and bad parents. Then there are these, stupid parents. A lot of kids these days have no discipline and these kids probably didn't because they were behind the wheel of a running vehicle jacking with the controls, OP did the right thing.

And I don't think the 1990s was "the good ol days when crime was less and there were fewer perverts". There have always been rapists and murderers, perverts and molesters. Albert Fish is a famous serial killer of small children. He was active in the 1920 and before. Terrible criminals are not unique to our times. Nor are they more prevelant. We all in our own time look back with nostalgia, and look around us with disdain. We can't nerf the world and keep everyone perfectly safe, though many try. We can't stop bad things from happening. My experience wasn't a nostalgic memory, it was simply my experience. From my experiences I learned a good many things. My mother prepared me to live my life and roll with the punches. She taught me what she could and hoped nothing tragic would happen. I am glad for what she taught me.
That's too bad that it happened and sorry you had to witness this. I don't know what to say about this except that the kids should have been with the parents in the store or left at home with a sitter if they were too active or too uncontrollable to take into the store. I'm sure the kids and the parents feel bad about it, too.
Soon it will show statistically that your kid is more likely to be molested at school or a university... than Walmart.
Lets see them blame that on the parent.
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I had an incident where I went to a pet shop. I spent 20 minutes in there. When I came out I could hear a baby crying. I found a little girl about six months old sitting in a car set in a locked car, all of the windows up and the engine off. It was freaking 90 degrees out! I went back in the pet shop and had them call 911. Turns out the kids mom was in the pet shop and she got mad because we called the cops. She didn't even know what was going on until AFTER the firemen had busted out one of her back window to get to the baby. She said "I was only in here for like 5 minutes. Why would you guys call the fire department? The worker at the pet shop told the police she was in there for at least 30 minutes. This poor baby was beet red and I mean beet red. The baby was transported to the hospital and mommy dearest was answering some hard question to the police when I left. I swear some people should have to apply for a license before they can have a kid!
I had an incident where I went to a pet shop. I spent 20 minutes in there. When I came out I could hear a baby crying. I found a little girl about six months old sitting in a car set in a locked car, all of the windows up and the engine off. It was freaking 90 degrees out! I went back in the pet shop and had them call 911. Turns out the kids mom was in the pet shop and she got mad because we called the cops. She didn't even know what was going on until AFTER the firemen had busted out one of her back window to get to the baby. She said "I was only in here for like 5 minutes. Why would you guys call the fire department? The worker at the pet shop told the police she was in there for at least 30 minutes. This poor baby was beet red and I mean beet red. The baby was transported to the hospital and mommy dearest was answering some hard question to the police when I left. I swear some people should have to apply for a license before they can have a kid!

Yowser!! That's pretty scary.

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