The Imported English Jubilee Orpington Thread

I don't know why there is a variation in the chick down. The majority of mine are a pure light color, but there are some with the light chipmunk stripes. They all grow out to be beautiful jubilee orps with proper mahogany color...
I was happy to be able to acquire a trio of nice healthy Jubs recently, they are growing like weeds, and pretty happy in confinement, I let them out now and then under my supervision, but do not have a guts to let them free range with my other chicks.
My question to those who own Jubs for a while: When they start laying, and more important are the eggs hatchable around the age they start laying? I heard they my need plumage trimming around the vent to improve fertility, are the chicks from early pullet laying strong and healthy?
Mine started laying at a out 7 months. I did not try to hatch the first little eggs. At about 9-10 months the eggs got nice sized. The chicks out of them have been good. I had about 70% fertility without trimming, but it was much better after I did trim them. Plus they got less pooh stuck in their feathers.

I also love the white. He is stunning <3
This is my boy Atticus. He is just about a year old now. I've been told he has too much white and I should find another for breeding but I love him and my husband would not put up with me spending that kind of cash to simply replace what I already have so he's making babies. I only have a few so far but he's made some cute chicks so maybe I'll grow out a few males and see if I want to replace him... I was going to re-home the Jubilees this year but they are working their magic on me and will probably stick around. His mate Lula would not budge from under their coop so no pics of her. He is a quite a big boy and a great rooster all around. His combs a bit beaten up from frostbite this winter. He's always looking for a quick escape from the pen - loves to free range.

In my opinion his color is just fine, he honestly has a pretty even balance of color overall, though his chest could be a bit more red.

Hatch and raise a lot of his sons and keep one that's colored a bit better but definitely don't get rid of him.
In my opinion his color is just fine, he honestly has a pretty even balance of color overall, though his chest could be a bit more red.

Hatch and raise a lot of his sons and keep one that's colored a bit better but definitely don't get rid of him.

Thanks everyone for the comments. I do really like him. I was not sure I'd hold on to them at first but he is such a character and a great mate to his ladies, especially his main squeeze Lula that he was paired with when i bought him. He makes some beautiful EE's with my Blue Am.
I have a few of his little ones running around now and have eggs in the bator and plan on hatching every week for a while. I had moved my flocks around a couple months ago and everyone went on strike for a bit so we are now getting back to regular laying. Hoping to have a nice group to choose from to add to the flock this year as I'd like to have a second boy...
A friend of mine is selling Jubilee orpingtons for $75 per chick. Very nice birds but is that to high?
A friend of mine is selling Jubilee orpingtons for $75 per chick. Very nice birds but is that to high?
That's what a local breeder is selling for also. And hatching eggs $20 each. I went with the hatching eggs lol but if I had the money I probably would've gotten some chicks:) greenfire farms sells day old chicks for $99

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