The incubating & Hatching Eggs Forum is one nightmare after another

Doug Hodges

6 Years
Mar 10, 2013
Mountain Home, AR
Im going to have to stop reading these threads. I don't see how anyone ever has a successful hatch. Humidity wrong! Early hatches! Assisted Hatches! Pips on wrong end! etc etc etc Yikes.
Here's a success story:
We share our mistakes and successes here and we all learn from and help each other. When things go wrong we share our troubles and others chime in with their experience and advice and the hatches often end up successful. If you read through these threads you will find some wonderful stories. Some sad, yes, some stupid mistakes, yes and some wonderful success stories too. We're messing with nature here and doing what a hen is supposed to be doing: hatching eggs. We are not hens, so it doesn't come naturally to us. We learn and we have boo-boo's, but we also hatch a lot of healthy happy chicks!
Ok day 19 everything been fine until now. Himidity at 86 temps at 96. Arhhh have to go to work in half hour. Humidty jumped from 60 to 80 in the last half hour
Good Morning Doug! There is quite a learning curve for sure! I am a firm believer that anyone can hatch chicks if they can weed out the abundance of misinformation, opinions and look for facts and things that make the most sense, I have backed up and used almost all of the info I refer to for incubation provided in the article link below. I have learned through reading clinical studies and such to trial and error. I also continuously update the info as found. Once you get the basics down then you can start working on great hatches even with shipped eggs......

Areas of MOST IMPORTANCE in Hatching EGGS

Ventilation (Oxygen), Temperature, Humidity, Egg Turning/Positioning

anyone at anytime is welcome in the incubating thread with us, if you have questions they are quickly answered
the support is tremendous in the thread and we have fun too!


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