The incubating & Hatching Eggs Forum is one nightmare after another

An update, now have 3 lavender orps out of the egg, after much thought I helped the 3rd one out, big chick & we are on day 22, couldn't seem to finishing zipping so I tapped around where I thought he would zip & put him back (I know, I broke lockdown law) within about 45 seconds he punched out, his head was under his wing. He is getting stronger & straightening up but the cute thing is, the earlier 2 were across the bator from him & climbed over the eggs to get to him and one of them curled up next to him & put her head on his back. Of course then shortly thereafter she pecked him but hey, she doesn't know better, she's just little. Now I have a black pipping. I have training tomorrow at work, I can't spend another night by the bator, maybe I'll just get up every hour. That should be enough sleep, I got about 3 hours last night. Why can't they hatch quickly, between dinner & bed. Thanks for the support & shared knowledge, P
An update, now have 3 lavender orps out of the egg, after much thought I helped the 3rd one out, big chick & we are on day 22, couldn't seem to finishing zipping so I tapped around where I thought he would zip & put him back (I know, I broke lockdown law) within about 45 seconds he punched out, his head was under his wing. He is getting stronger & straightening up but the cute thing is, the earlier 2 were across the bator from him & climbed over the eggs to get to him and one of them curled up next to him & put her head on his back. Of course then shortly thereafter she pecked him but hey, she doesn't know better, she's just little. Now I have a black pipping. I have training tomorrow at work, I can't spend another night by the bator, maybe I'll just get up every hour. That should be enough sleep, I got about 3 hours last night. Why can't they hatch quickly, between dinner & bed. Thanks for the support & shared knowledge, P
Good job, just hang in there, it will over soon, and then you can catch up on your sleep.
Hello. I set out 24 eggs on Mar 8 in the evening. Today, I have 3 fluffy chicks so far. I have still about 17 eggs inside (I removed 4). 2 eggs I wasn't sure about so I left them in.
Most of my eggs are either from my Blue Andalusian, my Brown Leghorn, and my Blue & Black Copper Marans. My roos are Easter Eggers, so this will be interesting.

The first to hatch was a brown leghorn. Then a friend's welsumer egg (which was fertilized by either a BCM or a Salmon Faverolles), then a blue Andalusian hatched. Another white egg is hatching as I type this.
Hello. I set out 24 eggs on Mar 8 in the evening. Today, I have 3 fluffy chicks so far. I have still about 17 eggs inside (I removed 4). 2 eggs I wasn't sure about so I left them in.
Most of my eggs are either from my Blue Andalusian, my Brown Leghorn, and my Blue & Black Copper Marans. My roos are Easter Eggers, so this will be interesting.

The first to hatch was a brown leghorn. Then a friend's welsumer egg (which was fertilized by either a BCM or a Salmon Faverolles), then a blue Andalusian hatched. Another white egg is hatching as I type this.
That is exciting, keep us updated, and some pictures too
Up to 13 as of right now. Here's some pix: Mostly brown leghorn, blue Andalusian & marans. My roos are EEs

I love how the poop on that egg looks like a question mark. Seems appropriate ;)
I have 4 incubators full of eggs now. I have duck eggs from my ducks, I have BLRW eggs from Foxgapchickens, ekfarms and papa brooder. I have buff orpington eggs from a local. I have some of my own eggs. I have hatch dates from the 11th through the 21st. The buff orpingtons will be first followed by the ducks and then all the shipped eggs. I will candle this weeked on the shipped eggs to see whats happening. I will candle everything to see what I need to cull on the others. The first candling on those looked real good with just a couple not sures.
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