The Incubator Thread

Has anyone had any luck with HOVA-BATOR INCUBATOR 1602N & 1611 EGG turner. Also I am picking up a Digital EGG incubator THERMOMETER Hygrometer with Remote sensor and a forced air fan kit for incubator.
I am getting this for hatching chicken and turkey eggs.
Any help would be appreciated.

just put these in my home made incubator. Blue Americuana/blue maran/splash maran mixes. I did 9 hatches- 45 chicks in these little incubators so far- and 3 running on day 16 currently.
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Will these 15 Hatch?I had given away two of my three Silkies ,Havoc a wild type silkie mix rooster and Skittles a partridge silkie hen to a friend of my family,this Tuesday he called my mother and he had said skittles was killed by a fox but she left behind a clutch of 15 which she had been setting a while.we came to pick up those eggs and put them into our incubator which if the do hatch we will give some back.Even though the ride home wasn't that bumpy,they were cool to the touch is there a chance they will survive.this isn't the first time I've dealt with an incubator,after all I have 24 chickens currently.

Any update on these eggs, Forevermore?

I have the Janoel 48 as well! It came straight from china (through amazon), but relatively fast shipping. I've tested it throughout a few days and the humidity and temp run steady. I have not hatched anything yet. In fact, I've set some eggs and starting tomorrow! Very excited. The one thing that concerns me is the turner operates every two hrs on the dot, but does a rotation, then ends up in the same place! I will be calling them about this (because of the two year warranty it came with). In the mean time, I may just try half of my 24 as it's turning now, and the other half manually turn within the turner...just to see what happens. I'll update everyone as I go.
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Sorry it took me so long to reply Audio,I'm just a little destated they never hatched and I don't know what I did wrong,I know they have babies in them but I don't giving the rest of them until next weekend to hatch just in case I really don't know how long they've been I that incubator,but on the bright side my buff Orpington Hope went broody.
Sorry it took me so long to reply Audio,I'm just a little destated they never hatched and I don't know what I did wrong,I know they have babies in them but I don't giving the rest of them until next weekend to hatch just in case I really don't know how long they've been I that incubator,but on the bright side my buff Orpington Hope went broody.
I'm so sorry they didn't make it. Was the incubator already set up and stablized when you put the eggs in? If not, the temps/humidity may have fluctuated too much. Don't beat yourself least you tried.
It actually was set up three hours before we brought them home,maybe some will still hatch ,after all we do not know how long she was broody,before the fox got her.Im a little sad because I when I heard one peep it gave me hope and then no hatching:/ so yeah maybe my buff will hatch out some babies the father is either A.Carport(newhampshire red/buff Orpington cross) or B.Pistachio(silver laced wyandotte).my parents and I have had more luck with broody hens anyway.But maybe there's still a chance atleast one will hatch from the incubator;but I want to know What can I do to increase Humidity levels in the incubator?

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