The Incubator Thread

Sorry I wasn't clear, the egg turner is 15x15"; I can't get to the incubator at the moment to measure it unfortunately, bug I would estimate it's about 25" diameter, but the height change for the eggs might be an issue? Is anyone here familiar with this model incubator? It's quite old, but I have seen some threads about it on BYC.
The eggs would be up closer to the heat----in a still air that could be a problem. If I remember correctly the thermostat is in the top middle which could get in the way. If it were "I"----I would shape/cut some 2x4" wire---space it up where the wire is close to the middle of the eggs---then you can open the incubator---pull/push the wire which will cause the eggs to roll some---all at one time. Good Luck!
Hmm...I am trying to envision what you mean but I'm not really succeeding. Would this be a way to turn the eggs without actually opening the incubator? I'm looking for suggestions like this - thank you! There has got to be a way to add an auto-turner to this unit.
Hmm...I am trying to envision what you mean but I'm not really succeeding. Would this be a way to turn the eggs without actually opening the incubator? I'm looking for suggestions like this - thank you! There has got to be a way to add an auto-turner to this unit.
Why are you concerned about opening the bator for turning? Mama gets off the nest every day, and some bators now have an optional cooling cycle to mimic that? If you want a turner for the increased convenience, that's an other matter. But, I like the idea of the wire turner. I'm thinking of setting up a manual turner using a rack with dowels spaced every couple of inches that slides on a couple of runners. All I'd need to do is slide the rack to the right for one turning, then to the left for the next turning.
I put these eggs in my crock pot a while back, the crock pot got too hot, (one week into it) I moved the eggs to my homemade incubator. They are due the 2nd,

got one pip on the LO egg.
Why are you concerned about opening the bator for turning? Mama gets off the nest every day, and some bators now have an optional cooling cycle to mimic that? If you want a turner for the increased convenience, that's an other matter. But, I like the idea of the wire turner. I'm thinking of setting up a manual turner using a rack with dowels spaced every couple of inches that slides on a couple of runners. All I'd need to do is slide the rack to the right for one turning, then to the left for the next turning.
You are probably right. In my first hatch, we got only 7 out of 24 eggs hatch. I think one of the problems was that it got too hot at one point (the room it was in initially was too prone to heat up in the sun so we moved it) and the temperature swings were a full 2 degrees throughout the hatch, so I just thought that it would be best to limit adding to those fluctuations as much as possible. That being said, with removing the lid of that metal beast and finding somewhere safe to rest it while turning the eggs, it sure would be nice to make the process easier. I will share your ideas with my dad - he is a tinkerer!
I finally found the original thread I was on lol,

PD a big Thank you to you and Amylynn. still working a few kinks out but got eggs down again and last 2 attemps at most was down to 1 malpositioned. got a different incubator coming plus most of the parts for my dad to help me build a coolor bator as soon as I can get down there, been snowed in, we ended up with 4 last hatch but had to get rid of 2 cockrels, if it wasn't for you 2 putting up with me having a heart attack with that evil incubator I would have given up.

Last hatch !did was 7/7 made it to day 20 and stupid thing spiked a temp of 116 over night, wasn't good

have 23 that I set on the 3rd but had a low temp issue this time used the brooding lamp as suggested by someone else to get it back up to normal while I figured that one out
day candle results were
1 clear
6 questionable
16 right on target
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I have a Sportsman 1202, but I want more incubating capacity, so I'm building my own cabinet incubator, patterned after the Sportsman and using a lot of the same parts. Here are some pics as I'm building it. Front Back
How is your project going?
How is your project going?
Finished !
Well mostly - still tweaking things. I have a new heating element coming. I want to switch the cartridge heater with a PTC for safety.
Next project is an independent monitoring of temp and humidity across all my incubators and hatchers with logging and alerting via a Raspberry Pi and a bunch of sensors.
Currently have 200 eggs hatching and 515 more in the incubators for the next 2 weeks. I will be loading another 300 or so tonight.

Wow! Nice!

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