The Incubator Thread

When is it ok to take them off turner? I could build a makeshift rack with dividers to place them in once i remove the turner..... We are going to be building a cabinet style this winter but want to play around first.
When is it ok to take them off turner? I could build a makeshift rack with dividers to place them in once i remove the turner..... We are going to be building a cabinet style this winter but want to play around first.

For chicken eggs---You remove the turner the end of day 18---increase the moisture and lock-down till they hatch.
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Any way to keep baby chicks seperate in a styrofoam incubator after they hatch? My brother is buying incubator today with egg turner and fan from TSC. We are going to hatch from 3 different hens of same breed but want to keep track of who came from who.....

I get plastic baskets and mesh bags used for laundering "delicates" from the dollar store. Also, rubberized shelf liner. Cut a piece of shelf liner to fit the bottom of the baskets. Put the eggs in there for lockdown and put the whole basket into a mesh bag and zip it up. Put that into the incubator to hatch.

My seven babies that hatched Saturday sharing a brooder box with some turkey chicks
I get plastic baskets and mesh bags used for laundering "delicates" from the dollar store. Also, rubberized shelf liner. Cut a piece of shelf liner to fit the bottom of the baskets. Put the eggs in there for lockdown and put the whole basket into a mesh bag and zip it up. Put that into the incubator to hatch.

I was also going to mention plastic baskets, but that's a nifty idea with the laundry bag!
Well it looks like we had a Cinco de Mayo hatch here

Them little Party Animals just had to see the world today

But checking under Momma's wing found more

Four so far and two of them look like they have already been Partying a little too much

This was not planed

Hey guys, this is my first time incubating. I have 2 eggs that are starting to pipe, but no actual hole yet through the egg yet. Just cracks. They have looked like this since this afternoon. Is this normal?
Hey guys, this is my first time incubating. I have 2 eggs that are starting to pipe, but no actual hole yet through the egg yet. Just cracks. They have looked like this since this afternoon. Is this normal?

It can take hours after the first pip for more action to take place----just leave them Be and watch. I suggest you leave the incubator closed till all have hatched or day 22(for chickens)---Good Luck!
OMG, I just did the math, I went yesterday to pick up 10 blue copper marans, but brought home 11 plus 11 black marans. So I added up and now have 54 chickens plus 5 eggs to hatch next week. What am I going to do? Of these, 17 are out in the coop, the rest are brooder babies. My new 4 room coop is not going to hold them all. I need to add on before the chicks move into the coop.

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