The Last Wolves *Restarted*

(Oh my heck. XD)

Night pounced on Mika as she went higher. :tongue



Mika chuckled then jumped higher, she could almost see the top of the tree.

Winter squeled snapping at him.

John chuckled "You should have stayed out of the fight" he said as he pushed her to the ground.

Hougen growled and lunged, then bit into John's side and started to pull him off of Winter.

Mika chuckled then jumped higher, she could almost see the top of the tree.
John chuckled "You should have stayed out of the fight" he said as he pushed her to the ground.

Hougen growled and lunged, then bit into John's side and started to pull him off of Winter.

Winter squeled snapping at John's face.

Mika chuckled then jumped higher, she could almost see the top of the tree.
John chuckled "You should have stayed out of the fight" he said as he pushed her to the ground.

Hougen growled and lunged, then bit into John's side and started to pull him off of Winter.

Night used the bouncy limbs and thick branches to reach the top. She about reached the top, but a fluttering bird smacked into her.
Winter squeled snapping at John's face.

John kicked Hougen off him and pinned Winter to the ground. He held onto her "You'll only be hurt a lot" he said with a chuckle.

Hougen growled even more and lunged at John and bit into his sides and pulled him off of Winter and threw him into the ground and held him there "Now tell me why you're here?!?!> Now!!" he snarled.


Night used the bouncy limbs and thick branches to reach the top. She about reached the top, but a fluttering bird smacked into her. 

(O_O I'm watching)

Mika jumped to the very top and looked at Night "Well, you got here first. Congrats" she said
Angel darted after the free run bunny, "Come on Genba!" she holered.


"Yes, I believe if that's what you should do, then do it." Daisy nodded.

(Hey, join the party!!)

Genba smiled and ran after to bunny too, he smiled as he chased it.

Buruge smiled then continued to walk down the hallways. Then he stopped to a loud sound, that only wolves and dogs could hear. He whimpered and tried to ignore it.
John kicked Hougen off him and pinned Winter to the ground. He held onto her "You'll only be hurt a lot" he said with a chuckle.

Hougen growled even more and lunged at John and bit into his sides and pulled him off of Winter and threw him into the ground and held him there "Now tell me why you're here?!?!> Now!!" he snarled.
(O_O I'm watching)

Mika jumped to the very top and looked at Night "Well, you got here first. Congrats" she said

Winter stood up blood coating her fur.
Quote: (Heck ya!

"One bite!" Angel hollered.


"Come on you must be strong in here." Daisy pointed to his head and chest.
Winter stood up blood coating her fur.

John had never met a wolf like this before, so he had to think quickly "You don't need to know" he growled.

Hougen then bit into the neck where the wind pipe was and tightened his grip "Tell me or I will kill you" he said in a almost calm tone.

The other dogs watched then ran off to scared to even fight for the Platoon leader.

(Heck ya! :bow )

"One bite!" Angel hollered.


"Come on you must be strong in here." Daisy pointed to his head and chest.

(Yea :lol: )

Genba ran faster and bit into the rabbit and quickly killed it. He held it in his mouth with a grin.

Buruge nodded and blocked out the sound "Yeah, it's just that I haven't been here for a really long time and I forgot about the loud ringing sound that you probably can't hear, because it's made for wolves and dogs" he said as he continued to walk then got to a door and nugged it open. It the huge room were hundreds of ceils and some had wolves in it, sad, angered, crazy and even begging to be killed.

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