The laziness of people...

My guy used have a pair of those for cold weather...except we called it a union suit and he wore it under his clothes. It had a button flap, none of this fancy zipper stuff.
I have seen the commercial for those snuggy things with the zipper bottom. It's pointless for me to shower until the chores are done. I probably smell like a barn all day anyway
I am a footies jammie person too. I have a picture of me 9 month pregnant with my first daughter. I still get a giggle over that picture.
But I know that I wouldn't be caught dead in public wearing jammies.
They don't have attached feet, but they do come with matching footie i don't have one...thought about it & decided, "who the heck could sleep with a hoodie taking up space between my head & the pillow?" That would drive me N.U.T.S

I DO have an extensive collection of footie pajamas, though--and it has NOTHING to do with being lazy. I'm a type A personality & it's hard for me to relax...unless I'm in my footie jammers! And, yes, I do have one pair with an escape hatch (they're called dr. denton's). I get mine at K-mart, Target, ebay & sometimes Walmart.

I have a snuggie, but a lot of good it does me...I'm so short that the bottom of it is forever getting caught uner the wheels of my chair--at home, NOT at work!
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Snuggies are useful, my mother gets cold and a snuggie has been helpful keeping her warm.

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