The Legbar Thread!

Thought I'd post an update on the boys. They're 7 1/2 weeks old now. Looks like Pitts out of the running for breeding. He's got a big crest but his comb is pushed over badly by it. Its too bad as he has the lightest color of the 3 so far. Excuse the couch with all the dog hair. I have 4 pugs and foster them as well. Dog hair is just a fact of life here.
Pitt is shown below

Depp and Clooney are still in the running.

Heres Depp:

Below is Clooney, his comb is larger, redder and looks fairly straight so far but he has the least crest. I took the pic when he was shaking himself in the last photo

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Originally Posted by puglady.......................
Below is Clooney, his comb is larger, redder and looks fairly straight so far but he has the least crest. I took the pic when he was shaking himself in the last photo..........................

From what I've read here earlier in the thread, the larger crest on the boys goes hand in hand with the twisted comb. So you have to choose the middle ground...........some straight of comb as possible......................Sorry that everything is crammed reply function hasn't been working properly......................

I had read that as well. I'm going to a chicken swap this weekend and think I'll see if anyones interested in him as pet quality. If no ones interested I supposed I can always put him with my general layers when he's grown a bit more. Using the comb/crest rules it looks like Depp is the front runner so far but they have a bunch more growing out to do.
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This is really cool- there is a lot of discussion about how what looks blue to one person looks blue-green to another. How well do you perceive color? This takes 5-10 minutes, zero is a perfect score, so I guess 99 would mean you are completely colorblind. Doesn't matter what your monitor setting it like, since you are setting color blocks in comparison to each other.
Lonnyandrinda, cool site! Puglady, I'm brand new to cream babies are not quite 3 weeks old...when should I see crests? Those mohawks are too cute! Hoping mine are of the crested eggs from craigslist, hadn't discovereed this thread so didn.t know to ask the question...
Lonnyandrinda, cool site! Puglady, I'm brand new to cream babies are not quite 3 weeks old...when should I see crests? Those mohawks are too cute! Hoping mine are of the crested eggs from craigslist, hadn't discovereed this thread so didn.t know to ask the question...

Mine started getting them right around 4 weeks. Hopefully you should be seeing some very soon. For the last couple of morning I've been hearing some "practice" crowing from their coop as well. They sure do get big quickly!

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