The Legbar Thread!

My mom took this test and got a horrendous score. She saw the eye doctor and got her cataracts removed -- she'd had no idea they had affected her vision so drastically.
After the surgery, she said colors were so bright they looked almost fluorescent.
Oh yeah, and she did much better on the test. :)
OMG -- well that alone is a very good reason to get that surgery....... (sigh).
OMG -- well that alone is a very good reason to get that surgery....... (sigh).
If you need cataract "surgery" - do it!

I had cataract "surgery" three years ago. It was totally no big deal. They make your eyes numb with drops. No needles! It only takes 10 or 15 minutes. The tiny little incision was already half healed the next day when you go in for a check on things. The only bad part was waiting two weeks for them to do the second eye. You can see almost perfectly basically right away. I could see leaves on trees on the way home that I hadn't seen in years. There is more than one kind of cataract. My Mom had a type that makes everything look kind of yellow and mine just made everything fuzzy. I only need glasses to read now. I'm still amazed at how well I can see. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I got them really early. Both my parents had had them corrected as well as my Mom's father. Genetics.

And, oh, 9 Legbar eggs are going to lockdown today!! The parents all came from GFF in March. Sure hope they aren't all boys.
And, oh, 9 Legbar eggs are going to lockdown today!! The parents all came from GFF in March. Sure hope they aren't all boys.
Yea!!! I got 4 girls and 2 boys early in Sept. and 2 girls and 2 boys a week and a half ago.... You will probably make the averages... 4-5 girls.... yea more legbar babies in the world...

They are just so adorable.
If you need cataract "surgery" - do it!

I had cataract "surgery" three years ago. It was totally no big deal. They make your eyes numb with drops. No needles! It only takes 10 or 15 minutes. The tiny little incision was already half healed the next day when you go in for a check on things. The only bad part was waiting two weeks for them to do the second eye. You can see almost perfectly basically right away. I could see leaves on trees on the way home that I hadn't seen in years. There is more than one kind of cataract. My Mom had a type that makes everything look kind of yellow and mine just made everything fuzzy. I only need glasses to read now. I'm still amazed at how well I can see. I would do it again in a heartbeat. I got them really early. Both my parents had had them corrected as well as my Mom's father. Genetics.
My mom is totally a No Medicines, No Surgery kind of person -- and abhorred the thought of anyone messing with her eyes.

She was THRILLED with her cataract removal: fast, easy, little to no pain, excellent vision right away, just like you said. :)
What nice photos and what pretty birds. I think that they may surprise you--- seems like they go through a couple of changes on the way to maturity..... and although different paths end up looking pretty uniform. It will be interesting to please keep putting those pictures up.

hey thanks, i will! am totally new to the breed & to chickens in general... lots to learn
hi all --

finally got some okay photos of my two cream legbars -- the older, 7 week old Amelia, who came from Just Struttin' Farm (Deann Disilva) here in the Bay Area, and the younger, 4-5 week old Speedy, who was shipped here by Richard at Jordan Farm:

two two together -- speedy seems like she'll have a small crest, while amelia doesn't show any sign of one

but amelia has a HUGE tail!

amelia, with very woodsy coloring

speedy seems like she'll have more grey...

Really cute! I love the cream legbars <3
CJWaldon - he is very pretty -- has that 'look' in the eyes. Just at that age where you know he is going to be GOOD too.

Johnn - Melow is a character. I think she should be in a children's book or something --- hmmmm.

Back to crests. I really do love the crests....there is something about them that makes the birds distinctive.

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