The Legbar Thread!

The picture on the right looks like a boy horsedirt
A working shepherd dog, Aussie, Border Collie or mix -- and a blue merle -- that's my favorite sort of dog. My very first dog was a blue merle Aussie and the smartest dog I ever had. She was also fiercely protective and would occasionally take a dislike to a really nice person for no reason we could discern. I miss her to this day.

And you bark at coyotes, and aren't afraid to say so -- that is an excellent quality in my book.

If I weren't already happily married, with lovely children, and an age probably double yours, I think I'd want to marry you. ;-)

Stray dogs are the best. It's like they appreciate you taking them in so much that they will make sure that you are stoked that you did so.

And Brian, If I wasn't a dude, I'd marry you too.

kden, Puhi

awww well thanks you two. Im blushing

I went into the coup with the broody CL hens in it. all three of them were sitting on the 1 nest all three puffed up their neck hackles and growled at me. Im thinking the eggs should have hatched by now. I hope they are going to do something soon.
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here is Buddie

He doesnt like to be tied up and he acts really weird when you have a leash and car rides are involved. I think he was dumped off somewhere when the original owner couldnt train him.

His farm dog training is going good. he does good with the chickens and goats for the most part. He needs supervision. He will get the chickens left unattended and im scared the goats will hurt him with their horns.

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Oh Buddie's pretty! I have a Pit Bull or mix (with a lot of Pit showing) that wandered up as a little starving, eat up with fleas, waif looking thing. We still can't believe that pup grew into what he did, lol. He's a sweet boy, though... IF you'll play ball with him! lol I've been slowly teaching him that the chickens are supposed to be here and not for "other" things. I've brought him inside the pens with me a few times and he does good, but like you, there is NO WAY I'd leave him with them alone. LOL He's actually helped me catch chicks that were on the loose, it was a little rough, but no harm done. I see in Buddie's eyes.. especially in a couple of those pics (all the ones with the goats), you can see in his eyes and the way he's standing (leaning a little away from the goats) that he doesn't trush them or himself with them, just yet. He's trusing YOU 100% to tell him what to do/how to act among them. He looks more relaxed with the chickens, so once he's learned his new job, they'll probably be his favorites. (not in a yummy way, though! lol) Good for you & Buddie!! His breed is happiest with a job, so now he's in a good "trade school". Best of luck with his training, I think he'll do well once he puts it all together in his mind.
Awe! Love Aussies! Also just getting into CCL, set 5 eggs of which only 2 hatched (1 pullet, 1 roo), the roo only made it about 3 days (had a really bad hernia at hatch). The pullet is going strong at about 2 1/2 weeks old. Would love to get some more though, "Sassafras" is quite the little spunk, and took an instant liking and following to the BR that is the lead girl, lol.
Check out this hackle feather:

It's really gold and black, and the only one. If she keeps this up, and gets more, I'll call her Halloween chicken! I won't be allowed on the cream legbar thread anymore
, just the legbar thread
Check out this hackle feather: It's really gold and black, and the only one. If she keeps this up, and gets more, I'll call her Halloween chicken! I won't be allowed on the cream legbar thread anymore
, just the legbar thread
She's a rule-breaker and an independent thinker. Watch out for this one. She may just start a coop coup.

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