The Legbar Thread!

Yes, if a $35 dollar CL pullet has an "eat me first, I'm expensive" sign on her back, then I would imagine a $2500 ayam cemani would have a neon sign and probably a spot light fixed on it at all times... Every predator in the area would be attracted to your place just on sheer principle.
I was just getting ready to post this bird in for sale. I am selling my Cream Leg Bar cockrel. I only have one. I am in Vacaville Ca. I was going to ask 30.00. He is not quite 3 months.
what does everyone think of greenfires new bird. Ayam Cemani 5000 for a pair.

Unfortunately Indonesia is on the banned list for imports of both live chickens and hatching eggs so GFF has everyone who wants one by the....

Actually I think the huge price tag is probably more of a marketing strategy than a real effort to sell. Like Plasma TVs with horrible pixelization were 20K the first year they came out but the price dropped to less than half within a year. I doubt they sold more than a handful at that inflated price, but they did create a huge buzz. That buzz leads to increased website traffic and interest in the other birds. All about marketing.

They are really cool looking, aren't they?
I was just getting ready to post this bird in for sale. I am selling my Cream Leg Bar cockrel. I only have one. I am in Vacaville Ca. I was going to ask 30.00. He is not quite 3 months.

It depends on what he looks like, but you may find that people don't want to spend much on the boys since this has been a banner cockeral year. Have you posted an ad HERE? Pictures will help you too! Best wishes!
Garydean was right about broodys in with the flock. they were running around fighting over a premature chick. another egg in the nest was cracked open like they were eating it out of the shell. last time I was able to count there was 18 eggs +. after this incident only 12 were left.
I was under the impression jill Reese had some of the best CCL around in the UK. Her hens are gorgeous and the only pic of a rooster on her site is nice too. he has no color but he has the high held tail angle.

Thanks for posting the link. Its good to know what is considered a top-showing Cream Legbar over there, although British and American tastes do seem to differ a bit (looking at Orpingtons and Brahmas as two examples). Overall they are quite lovely. She has really good uniformity in her flock and has done a lot for the breed.

I wish she had more pictures of that pretty rooster. In the one side shot he has a lot of going for him, but his tail is way too high--I think it is close to going past 90 degrees and his wing is not being carried tucked up like is should be. Perhaps its an action shot and he is turning causing the wing to drop a bit? I think the thing that stands out the most to me, in light of the recent discussions about lack of chestnut in the male leading to lack well-defined salmon breast in the females and the shafting in the breast, is that her birds who are top show winners are not unduly handicapped by the shafting and pale breasts.

eta: I just looked at the clutch of chicks she has posted there and all of the boys are shades of tan--no grey at all. I would have thought that to get that color-less rooster she would have to start out with pale grey downs. How very interesting.
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