The Legbar Thread!

Oh, they are gorgeous Johnn! How lucky to get such good stock!
Happy hatching!
Thanks! :)
Aloha ChicKat,

I tried to grow mealworms. It didn't go so well. But they're pretty cheap. I'm gonna try to grow black soldier fly larva for my next project. Good idea on making the little guys follow me better. Thanks for the offer. Do you grow mealworms? I'd like to try again.

Aloha, Puhi
hi hi HI Brada Puhi---

Oh, my dear, I am such a wooose that I HATE bugs that are alive.

I buy nice sanitary freeze dried meal worms. It is the ONLY reason my chickens like me now-a-days. I think that to chickens mealworms are what cashew nuts (or maybe in Hawaii Macadamia nuts) are to humans...they just can't resist. However, I have been known to catch a grasshopper and feed it to my chickens after violently ripping off it's head or other convenient body parts though. Just couldn't do the mealworm growing --
Because then I would have to harvest them -- right? and they would be alive and wiggling -
I don't even like putting red worms on fish hooks...and I live on a ranch -- and have moved a lot of manure and helped to pull baby calves - and shot predators -- but no mealies.....
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I have a mealworm bin, and although it was a little creepy to handle them at first it doesn't bother me now. Those suckers just took off like crazy when it warmed up this year- had to feed out extra to get them back under control! I ordered 2 bags of live mealworms somewhere online, I think they were about $10 each.

These are pictures of the mams and dad. Hopefully they are pure breed! (unlike Melow!! Still loved her anyways)



They are really wonderful looking. Love those pictures. We don't have dandelions here like that -- (we don't have grass here either - but that is due to severe drought) - reminds me of where I grew up...but I digress....

Good luck with your eggs. I hope you get a bunch of chicks that grow up to be as sweet and lovable as Melow was.
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Broody got her eggs yesterday. If you notice, she is the same hen that brought the chicks up with Melow last year! She has already had chicks again this year!


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