The Legbar Thread!

Aloha kakou,

I have 3 cream legbars, 1 Black Copper Marans and 1 hapa. They are about 3 1/2 weeks old. They don't have a mommy. I have an adult bared rock but she is not friendly to them so they're on their own. But I must say, they really like to free range. They love young grass and all kinds of weird stuff they can pick off the dirt. They love it so much that I can't lure them in with the feed! For that very reason, and also the predator worries, I've had them cooped up. Now they like my food, but if they get out, they fill up! They don't want my food. They broke out this morning. Cute little insubordinate run away little varmints! haha.

kden, Puhi
so your eggs from lonnyandrinda made it across the Pacific, and you got babies!!!!!! Girls and boys? Pictures please.

Teach them about Mealworms....they will love you forever and follow you anywhere....get some at the feedstore/Pet store, or PM me your address and I will mail some to you. :O)
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Konan and Kisame just joined the Legbar coop. I am delighted with Konan. Her dark grey coloring with nice cream hackles will add some nice diversity to my flock. Kisame is not as pretty as Jasper my current rooster, he has a lot of chestnut. But he comes out of Hugger so I know there are some good cream genes in there. He is also much more robust than the rooster that hatched at the same time from my flock. I am expecting some greenfire chicks this week, that a friend ordered, so maybe I'll get some great stock from that as well. I sent a brother of Kisame and a pullet from my own eggs to a new home yesterday. A non related pair, was snapped up about 5 minutes after I posted on Facebook that they were available.
What positively BEAUTIFUL chickens!!!!!!!!!
Aloha kakou,

I have 3 cream legbars, 1 Black Copper Marans and 1 hapa. They are about 3 1/2 weeks old. They don't have a mommy. I have an adult bared rock but she is not friendly to them so they're on their own. But I must say, they really like to free range. They love young grass and all kinds of weird stuff they can pick off the dirt. They love it so much that I can't lure them in with the feed! For that very reason, and also the predator worries, I've had them cooped up. Now they like my food, but if they get out, they fill up! They don't want my food. They broke out this morning. Cute little insubordinate run away little varmints! haha.

kden, Puhi

Hahaha! Yes, chicks are good little jailbreaks- especially once they find their wings!
Hi DA,I think that quote is from a year ago or so.... there are a number of very cool free databases, and we had someone build a test database, in which we put info and pictures to test drive it a little bit. It was pretty cool actually. Subsequently she decided that she liked birds that were bigger and rounder than CLs and ---- it faded away. I think one free database that is easy to set up - and includes photos is SodaDB...and that may have been replaced by a newer one by the same technical software developer. --- So much fun to be had and so little time to have it all. You did get me thinking again though...LOL Thanks!
Not a problem just making my way through the thread. I think I may be seeing the light at the end of it too. Oh wait here I am at the end... =p
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Aloha ChicKat,

I tried to grow mealworms. It didn't go so well. But they're pretty cheap. I'm gonna try to grow black soldier fly larva for my next project. Good idea on making the little guys follow me better. Thanks for the offer. Do you grow mealworms? I'd like to try again.

Aloha, Puhi
These are pictures of the mams and dad. Hopefully they are pure breed! (unlike Melow!! Still loved her anyways)



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